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Just an observation, but Michele Yarn @ HSN does such a professional job hosting. Besides being absolutely adorable, she gives the pertinent info regarding the items she is showing, IMO. She seems so down to earth, not fake. Doesnt have that " hey, look at me" attitude!!! What a concept!!

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I can't think of a single HSN host who I don't enjoy.

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IMO, just about every host on HSN is superior to those on QVC.  More professional, well spoken and informative.  I personally watch presentations on HSN far longer than those on QVC/



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Registered: ‎05-30-2012

HSN has a great group of hosts.....

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Registered: ‎03-31-2010

I find Suzanne Runyon too hyper at times.

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Registered: ‎12-22-2013

@sann wrote:

HSN has a great group of hosts.....

I totally, agree, they present well, and they come across as likeable.Smiley Happy

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@DiamondsandGold You should post your accolades for the HSN host on their forums or send a message via FB so they know.  I like a few but there are some I can't watch either.  That's the say it goes.

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She's a doll, and very professional.

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i like her too. she doesn't talk a mile a minute and power sell. they have a fella on there-Ty-i swear he never takes a breath. I have really grown to like shannon smith. she seems more down to earth and "gal next door" type of person.

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Callie is my all time favorite, she is so professional and doesn't shout at you.