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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

Maybe you need to hand wash it in a sink with some liquid soap, rinse and let air dry.

It might be the dyes on the shawl causing the odor.

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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

Nothing is going to help take away the smell. Just send it back!

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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

I've gotten items with that terrible fuel or motor oil smell. They too were made in China. I think they're trying to poison us! LOL I washed them and aired them for weeks and it has barely helped. It's too late to return the items. I'm stuck with them.

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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

I am wondering about these items made in China too. I purchased a task chair online that was made in China. When I got the parts out of the box to put it together, there was a sticker on the bottom of the chair seat that said components contained in this chair contains materials that California has determined causes cancer. No where in the description of the item did they state this. I remember the dog treats that came from China were discontinued here due to causing sickness and death in animals.

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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

On 3/17/2015 EnglishRose88 said: UPDATE: I tried putting it in the freezer......didn't work. I put it outside in the fresh air.....didn't work. I sprayed Febreeze on worked for a day then the odor is back. So I sprayed it again and hung it outside.....odor gone for a day and then it's back. Now I have it folded in a ziplock bag with Bounce fabric softener sheets in between the folds. I hope this works. I'm running out of time. My daughter's wedding is next week! Thank you for all your help.

If the odor keeps returning, you are more than likely fighting a losing cause.

If the wedding is next week, I'd find an alternative to wear now.

Enjoy your daughter's big day.

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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

I've found that hanging clothing in the garage or outside (not in the sun, as the odor gets worse, not better) for a couple of weeks works. Then I wash the items in cold water in UNSCENTED liquid detergent. One thing I know for sure, is that water activates the chemicals when they are washed when you first buy them (that is, if they have a strong odor to begin with). Better to air out (out-gas) the chemicals first. Never spray perfume first, because then there are two chemicals mixing together, which often makes the odor much, much worse.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

Get a Gel Absorber (in the Air Freshener section of the Grocery store, Pet section of Wal Mart, even Ace Hardware). Open the refresher and place it in a plastic garbage bag. Take the shawl and place it loosely (not folded tightly) in the bag. Blow a little air in the bag and seal the bag up. Keep it sealed for a few days and then open it and take a whiff test. If the odor is still there.... do it again for another few days or a week.

It will eventually work. I've put two inside an 1800's hump back trunk that reeked. The interior was all period paper with graphics. I locked down the trunk for about two weeks. When I opened it, the smell was gone. I've used it inside the drawers of period pieces that have that old mildew smell and it's eventually gotten rid of it.

Here's the latest one... we purchased a piece that the previous owners used some kind of shallac on the inside~! We've had the piece for three years. From the time it came into the house, I've put a gel absorber inside the cabinet. When that wore out, I put in another one... I kept replacing the absorbers until I recently opened the cabinet and there was NO ODOR! Even I couldn't believe it, I thought I had met my match..... but it works if you give it enough time.

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

OH, but if you're able to send the item back for a refund... do so. There's only one way to get these merchants to STOP buying the items from these countries that are full of chemicals... and that's to send them back, and refuse to buy them in the first place....

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

On 3/18/2015 JustJazzmom said:

Maybe you need to hand wash it in a sink with some liquid soap, rinse and let air dry.

It might be the dyes on the shawl causing the odor.

I too think it is the dye that is causing the odor. I had this problem with a fabric purse and the smell never dissipated. Had to throw it out.
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

Send it back. Don't expose yourself to the chemicals.