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HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

I bought a sequined/tulle shawl to wear to my daughter's wedding at the end of March. It arrived today and as soon as I opened the package a most rancid, horrible chemical smell permeated the room. I sprayed some perfume on it and left it hanging in my bathroom. I don't dare put it in my closet. I'm sure the shawl was made in China. What can I do to get the smell out? It's been raining here for the past several days but once it clears up I will hang it outside. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Thank you.
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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

Too late to say, don't spray it with perfume.

I'd put it in a sealed plastic bag with a Febreze sheet.

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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

I agree, the perfume was a mistake. Don't agree with the Febreze, though, sorry Lulu.

Hang it to air a day or two and wash if possible.

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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

May I suggest you put it in a zip lock bag and put it in the freezer for a day or so. Freeze those chemicals!!! It can't hurt.

I've done this with stinky shoes and it works.

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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

Kitty litter works, too, the old-fashioned, non-clumping kind. Seal it in a bag with the litter.
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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

Yeah the perfume was unfortunate. I would have tried the freezer plus wrapping it in newspapers first. Outside in fresh air sometimes works too. Like screaming in a fight, adding scent to more scent rarely works.
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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

I'm sorry -- I know this is off topic, but every single time I read this thread title I see "HELP! Shawn has horrible smell" {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

On 3/13/2015 jonbon said:

I'm sorry -- I know this is off topic, but every single time I read this thread title I see "HELP! Shawn has horrible smell" {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

LOL! That's what I thought it was at first, too!

Take the SHAWL to the dry cleaners & be sure to tell them you sprayed perfume on it. Hopefully they can get the bad odor out.

edited for spelling

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

UPDATE: I tried putting it in the freezer......didn't work. I put it outside in the fresh air.....didn't work. I sprayed Febreeze on worked for a day then the odor is back. So I sprayed it again and hung it outside.....odor gone for a day and then it's back. Now I have it folded in a ziplock bag with Bounce fabric softener sheets in between the folds. I hope this works. I'm running out of time. My daughter's wedding is next week! Thank you for all your help.
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Re: HELP! Shawl has horrible smell

On 3/13/2015 jonbon said:

I'm sorry -- I know this is off topic, but every single time I read this thread title I see "HELP! Shawn has horrible smell" {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

I thought the same thing... Then re-read the title . Lol... Time for me to go to bed.