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Gary, you have been with QVC for many many years and you know everything there is to know.  Please consider leaving QVC and uniting with Carolyn for a new line, "Garolyn."  If Lisa Robertson can do it SUCCESSFULLY, so can you and Carolyn.  You could show from. Carolyn's Garden, she could do it from her RV and . . . pets!   There probably would be a non-compete clause for you, but a year isn't that long, and you could work on your line.  Carolyn should not be subject to a non-compete.  And Gary, Made in the USA.  Maybe you could even sell Garolyn in the Made in America Stores!!!!!

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@Jacklake83  YIKES!!!

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How long do we have to stress about this?

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I believe that the post is done facetiously and in humor. That's the way I'll take it, not seriously.


 A little levity amongst all the recent angst, wailing and gnashing of teeth.

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@LindaSal    Apparently "ad infinitem"

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Gosh, the 2 times I got laid off you can bet no one even remembered me by the end of the week. Same goes for people who retire. No one will remember you even worked for the joint.

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Welcome to the Forum.  



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@Jacklake83 That's the funniest thing I've read all week. Never gonna happen!

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If you laughed or chuckled or snorted or guffawed then the poster has achieved his/her goal!  I found it to be a very fun read.

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RIP Garolyn