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Registered: ‎04-30-2011

Re: Fashion ladies...can I get your opinion

I always dress nicely. It shocks me how so many people have no pride, or no style. I see women and men that dress as if they are cleaning out the garage in restaurants and other public places! Be proud of your clothing! I more Linea!!! Stay elegant and beautiful...

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Re: Fashion ladies...can I get your opinion

I'm in my late 50's and I dress nicely too. I rarely wear jeans (blue or black) except when gardening or heading to a nursery where I know somehow I will get some sort of grime on my pants!

Usually wear some sort of MU like mascara and always lipstick or gloss.

Rarely wear sneakers except for traipsing through the malls or the garden (again do not want to traipse through mud with shoes).

If people ask you why are you so dressed up or why bother to shop for clothing? its THEIR problem not yours!! Just smile at them and walk away.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Fashion ladies...can I get your opinion

It is because most people dress like slobs now! Wear what you want to, and tell them it is not their business what you wear and you like to look put together!

I always go out of the house looking presentable. I don't care if people notice or compliment me or even care, I care and that is what matters.

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Re: Fashion ladies...can I get your opinion

My mom is 89 and she still puts on her "good outfits" to take the trash to the dumpster or get the mail. We laugh about it, but it's how I know she's doing okay. If I ever see her out and about looking like a slob I'll know she's lost her last marble.

I, on the other hand, will probably buy a sweatsuit for every day of the week when I retire and be done with it. I guess I take after my dad… if his socks match each other, he's good.

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Re: Fashion ladies...can I get your opinion

Dress for you.

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Re: Fashion ladies...can I get your opinion

I'm surprised you get that from women. ... I don't know anyone who doesn't "shop."

We are all retired and over 60. We have a lunch group that meets regularly for lunch, shopping and adult beverages. We shop on vacation ... (Tomorrow we're having a jewelry swap at lunch ... trading pieces we don't wear very often or are tired of.)

1. Maybe it's because we've all retired from business ... 40 or 50 years of dressing for work becomes a habit that we are not willing to break.

2. Perhaps because we live in Manhattan ... but my sister and nieces live on Long Island and "dress." My SIL lives in a really rural area now in the South (but originally a NYer) - dresses really well.

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Re: Fashion ladies...can I get your opinion

I think it's great that you enjoy dressing well. If it makes you happy, go for it! I enjoy seeing well-dressed people when I'm out and about.

I'm not going to critique people who don't put a lot of emphasis on clothes, though. They have other priorities, and that's fine, too.

I have a split personality. At home, I love yoga pants and a tee or sweatshirt. When DH and I go out, or I'm meeting friends or attending a function, I dress up more - and I enjoy that.

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Re: Fashion ladies...can I get your opinion

Most people do dress like slobs, as another poster so aptly put it! And what many people consider "all dressed up" is laughable...just put on a jacket and jewelry with your jeans and many people seem to think you're headed to a State Dinner,,,and while it is true that many people have priorities other than clothes, it is also clear that the bigger issue is laziness and just plain do not have to be "clothing obsessed" to put on something more than a sweatshirt everyday and wear it everywhere...and a little makeup won't kill you either...this all points out the fact that current "standards" aren't standards to be followed but avoided by people with a bit of class who care for and about themselves and their appearance...I am constantly amazed at the sheer number of people who clearly have no idea how to present themselves in even basic daily situations yet are quick to comment on others who do.
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Re: Fashion ladies...can I get your opinion

I agree with all of you. I also think being showered with a little makeup on and my hair acceptable is what I want to do for DH. I fell better when I know I look my best and I wouldn't ever go anywhere without makeup and presentable clothes. Around the house it's clean jeans, a shirt, and a hoodie to roll around in the floor with the dog and do laundry. When I go to work I enjoy dressing, and being very "color oriented", I love clothes and love to shop.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Fashion ladies...can I get your opinion

Funny you should mention this..........I always wear something "nice" to go out.......I even keep at least 3 outfits put together on the back of the bedroom door. And somebody is always asking me, "Where are you you have a date?"

♥Surface of the Sun♥