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Re: Fall Outfit: Yay or Nay?

I wanted the color of the turtleneck to be lighter.

Color of the boots would be too matchy,

maybe yellow or light blue?

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Re: Fall Outfit: Yay or Nay?

Gotta give a big fat no on this.


I don't know if it's just the picture but the skirt looks solid in the back, with the print being only on the front  I hate that and think it looks silly.


I like the color of the green sweater but it looks too big on the model. Maybe in the right size, it would be okay but I don't care for it with that skirt. 


The white boots look ridiculous.   

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Re: Fall Outfit: Yay or Nay?

Is this something you are considering or have purchased, @lolakimono? For me it's a no.
"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Fall Outfit: Yay or Nay?

I like the outfit but gotta lose the flower print on the skirt and the white boots.  I'm not a flower person to begin with but I can't stand a large flower print.  The boots need to be darker.

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Re: Fall Outfit: Yay or Nay?

A huge nay!! It's way to suffocating for me and I cannot imagine anyone could be comfortable with all that on.  A turtleneck is bad enough but to add ruffles...  I don't find the look hideous and for some it may be their style even if uncomfortable.  

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Re: Fall Outfit: Yay or Nay?

Yay for the sweater.  I do really like it.


Nay for the rest of the outfit.  I not much of a fan of florals. 


White boots?   Ugh!

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Re: Fall Outfit: Yay or Nay?

Fabulous (boots or not) for 30 years old and under, ridiculous for those older.  You would make people start to think granny with that ruffle around the neck of the sweater and those big old grandma-style flowers and skirt.  


I think the skirt would be pretty for anyone worn with a dark sweater. Not THAT sweater, but a nice dark simple sweater or nice blouse and solid jacket or sweater.  You can get away with a lot if everything else is toned down.

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Re: Fall Outfit: Yay or Nay?

@Snicks1 wrote:
Is this something you are considering or have purchased, @lolakimono? For me it's a no.


I saw it when I was looking to see if VC had a long sleeved version of the SS turtleneck I posted about in another thread.


I thought that some people might like the turtleneck as an alternative to the "standard" turtleneck.


I am not considering it nor have I purchased any of the items.

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Re: Fall Outfit: Yay or Nay?

[ Edited ]

The sweater ios too big for the model.Surely that is not how it's supposed to fit.It looks like it made for someone who is extremely tall.

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Re: Fall Outfit: Yay or Nay?

This is the skirt-