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On 12/17/2014 lovesrecess said:

it is amazing how careless people are about posting so much personal info for the entire world to see......DH told me that most employers check social media sites for all applicants

my cousins' daughter had a pic posted of herself at a frat was exactly what you would think..... she was hoping to student teach next spring but her advisor said a principal called and said that pic had to disappear first.

lots of break-ins here when people post they will be gone for the holidays.....and show gifts under their tree, etc......."come and get it!

Great post, lovesrecess. Your last sentence is the "Please Rob Me" problem that's caused insurance companies (and law enforcement) to take a closer look at what's been posted on Facebook or other social media prior to a crime.

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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On 12/17/2014 Irish1210 said: Please be careful on Facebook ~~ use common sense!!!! Don't post the restaurant you've been frequenting........that's not using good judgement! Be safe~~~~~

My Fb is only seen by ppl I know and who know me NO strangers see what I write

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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On 12/17/2014 I am still oxox said:
On 12/17/2014 Irish1210 said: Please be careful on Facebook ~~ use common sense!!!! Don't post the restaurant you've been frequenting........that's not using good judgement! Be safe~~~~~

My Fb is only seen by ppl I know and who know me NO strangers see what I write

I'm the same way but someone who is your FB friend could inadvertently mention that you are out at a particular restaurant or event and someone else could be listening. Maybe a friend of their son or daughter or they may leave their FB account signed in and other family members go on it. I've seen this happen. Telling people where you are at the time you're there is just a bad idea online even though FB has an app that facilitates your doing it. Never assume that only your friends can see what you post. Once they can see it you have lost control over who else can gain access.

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When my daughter was applying to grad schools, I told her I was able to see a facebook photo she had posted, and I wasn't even a friend of hers at that time. She removed it.
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I work with celebrities and public figures, and I do what a lot of them do: Post where I've been, not where I am.

Most of the time when a famous person tweets or posts that they're at a particular restaurant or other location, they actually left there hours before.

My Facebook settings are as private & tight as they could possibly be, but I still don't reveal where I am at any given time. I never "check in" anywhere. I'm not overly concerned about my privacy on FB - I just don't see a reason to announce every move I make or where I am at any given moment.

I could very well be enjoying solitude at the beach and not interested in people finding me there! ;-)


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How would anyone who doesn't know me know where I live? Manhattan is a big city.

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On 12/17/2014 Kathleen said:

How would anyone who doesn't know me know where I live? Manhattan is a big city.

I am wondering the same thing. How would anyone know where you live?

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On 12/17/2014 dooBdoo said:

People definitely should be more cautious and thoughtful about what they post.

Telling the world when you'll be home and when you'll be gone, displaying expensive collections, posting detailed pix of the interior and exterior of your home, etc., are so dangerous and this kind of activity has resulted in burglaries.

Using the "check in" feature, enabling location services, gives everyone a road map of your patterns.

There used to be a website called "Please Rob Me" (I think the administrators now have moved to another internet security site) with info about the hazards of disclosing so much to the world.{#emotions_dlg.unsure}

OMG.......I just fell over in fits of laughter! First off, I'm not telling "the world" when I check in, I'm telling my friends! When I post pictures of my house, my car, etc., I'm not showing them to "the world", I'm showing them to my friends. And call me silly, but I doubt my friends are going to burgle my home

Paranoia strikes deep, yada yada.....

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On 12/17/2014 september said: When my daughter was applying to grad schools, I told her I was able to see a facebook photo she had posted, and I wasn't even a friend of hers at that time. She removed it.

She didn't need to remove it, she just needed to change her settings

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I was advised not to put my real birthday and other personal information on Facebook in my profile. Just more information for identity theft!