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Re: Everything does not go with everything

Correct.  Everything does NOT go with everything; that is taking the color wheel too literally.

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Re: Everything does not go with everything

Depends on who you ask.  I just do what I like for me.

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Re: Everything does not go with everything

Whatever, to each his own.


I believe IMO Lori Goldstein is trying to be just like Patricia Richardson who was the designer for "sex and the city".  Mostly for Carrie.  She wore outfits kind of kookie but were never over the top that Hey did she?

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Re: Everything does not go with everything

@whateverisspecial wrote:

Notice when she does her packages at home no Logo!

Amy opened 2 Logo packages today: a denim vest and a pair of jeans.

“…nevertheless, she persisted.”
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Re: Everything does not go with everything

[ Edited ]

@xryretriever wrote:

Amy's tie dye pants and printed top looked horrid together. Maybe it was supposed to be a joke?

I thought the same when I saw that that this evening.  I really liked the look of those pants but certainly not with that top! 


I wish Lori wouldn't go around saying that when it clearly looks awful.

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Re: Everything does not go with everything

In Lori Goldsteins world it does.  The look is not for everyone.  Some prints I would wear together and others I would not.

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Re: Everything does not go with everything

I sometimes think that we don't see colors the same. That explains a lot. 

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Re: Everything does not go with everything

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

Logo always makes me think of " The Emperor's New Clothes. "

@QVCkitty1 @I've said the same thing.