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Re: Every single color & size still available in LOGO TSV

On 3/3/2014 taja123 said:

Using this forum as a focus group, the majority of women are not buying.

Using this forum as a focus group for QVC purchasing habits is ridiculous. There is generally between 100-150 people on this forum at any one time. Out of the even conservative 1,650,000 on QVC's facebook page, 150 isn't large enough to determine anything.

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Re: Every single color & size still available in LOGO TSV

On 3/4/2014 snickster said:

I could easily be wrong, I don't try to keep up with it, but I think most TSV's are not complete sell outs anymore.

I agree. And the items that remain are sold at a higher margin, so it is good business sense to buy a lot of an item that is expected to be popular.

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Re: Every single color & size still available in LOGO TSV

Why anyone would feel sorry for a vendor who sells over 10,000 of one item in a day is beyond me.

Nor do I think Lori feels embarrassed. She sold those vests and lots of other items, too. I think it's naïve to expect sell-outs on every TSV- especially those that are inexpensive and easy to manufacture in myriad colors and sizes like that TSV.

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Re: Every single color & size still available in LOGO TSV

A few years ago there was a special on about Nick Chavez (hair stylist) and his first appearance on QVC and yes, it IS all about how much you can sell! Lisa R. is shown patting him on the back and saying "way to go" when he had sell out after sell out! If LOGO doesn't have sell outs I think we will see less and less of it!

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Re: Every single color & size still available in LOGO TSV

On 3/4/2014 brii said:
On 3/4/2014 LipstickDiva said:

I don't get how anyone can judge whether anything was a success or not based on all colors and sizes being available. How do you know there aren't 50 left in each size, all colors? We have no idea how many are actually left, nor does it matter.

I keep seeing more and more posts like these and I wonder how posters know if it was "successful" or not?

They have no way of knowing if it was successful or not. It's simply a matter of reinforcing their like or dislike for a particular TSV.

Exactly -- some posters are almost gleeful when they report that a particular TSV was a "flop," especially when they have been vocal about not liking it.

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Re: Every single color & size still available in LOGO TSV

On 3/4/2014 okiebug said:
On 3/3/2014 taja123 said:

Using this forum as a focus group, the majority of women are not buying.

Using this forum as a focus group for QVC purchasing habits is ridiculous. There is generally between 100-150 people on this forum at any one time. Out of the even conservative 1,650,000 on QVC's facebook page, 150 isn't large enough to determine anything.

If the only thing I knew about QVC were what I read in the forums, I'd think they should have gone out of business long ago. With very few exceptions, the forums don't represent buyers.

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Re: Every single color & size still available in LOGO TSV

I thought the vest was cute and have nothing like it in my closet. After seeing it on Kate (belted over a sleeveless top and slim skirt), I really wanted it. The price stopped me. It would have been about $50 with tax and S&H. Why can't QVC offer free shipping on TSVs like this one? It is lightweight and costs little to ship. I'll bet more people would have bought one if it had free shipping. Or even reduced shipping. Charge just enough to cover the actual shipping costs. Yes, I live in a dream world. Oh, well. I am looking forward to reading the reviews.

Paws and enjoy life.
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Re: Every single color & size still available in LOGO TSV