Posts: 50
Registered: ‎11-09-2012

I was able to purchase nice wool cardigans from Talbot's recently for $20 each. Then, I thought, wow, I paid a lot more for I. Mizrahi cardigans I bought from QVC. Whenever I go out on a shopping trip, this is what my husband says to me...Wholesale or no sale except on resale, and then it's retail.

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QVC prices need to be higher because of their high production costs for running a 24 hr. television program. It costs big bucks to pay all the people involved, not only the hosts but all the other staff/executives. Having said that, there's no reason why one must shop here, must one? One can easily shop at b/m stores, or online one can shop at a multitude of other stores that don't have a television presence. Oh dear, it must be catching. {#emotions_dlg.blink}

Member Since 11/20/2008
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OMG, I bought such a stash today at TJ's. Tignaanello all leather cross body. Love it! Perfect, soft, great color, lots of pockets! $39.99. Fabulous leather sandles, suede foot bed, low wedge, Lauren by R. Lauren. Love, love! $34.99

British Jeans. Loved the color, soft grey with bluish undertones. Would love to paint my bedroom this color. $19.99. Fabulous fit, just in heaven.

Jones white jeans, love it the fit! Perfect length. Love!

Max Jeans. Not really jeans. Tencel fabric, drapey like rayon. Had them in a ton of colors, bought a beige color (really cream) $!9.99! Bought them to go with a gorgeous top in a light coral with a beigey stripe in 70% Poly/Cotton. Love this top. Label, 'Splendid', made in USA.

You could never find anything like this on QVC. I love TJ and it is worth the gas money. I always hit there when I have to be in the area. I try to hit them at least once a week.

They are getting their Spring fashions in and you can't beat their prices.

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On 2/23/2015 LipstickDiva said:

There are a lot of fashions in retail for under $30.00, depending on what you are looking for. I swear some of the Denim & Co items are made in the same place as Kohl's Sonoma line because the items look identical and the Kohl's prices are 1/2 to 1/3 of what some D&C items are.

Some of my favorite t-shirts are the Croft & Barrow v-necks from Kohls and I pay $7.99 for them, at the most.

ITA. LLBean did it for me in not buying any t-shirts from the Q anymore, when I used to buy many at good prices. LLBean had a t-shirt on sale for $l9.99. They have excellent t-shirts and could stand up to the Q's any day. They also offered me $5.00 off with free S&H. Can you believe it, I got the t-shirt for $9.99, and it will last as long as I like. Look at what Isaac, Denim are asking for tees. It looks to me with t-shirts, quality, value and convenience can be found many, many places.

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I can afford to buy whatever the Q sells; however, I wouldn't be if I didn't have sense to evaluate everything. I love the convenience of the Q. I've enjoyed it for years. Their quality and value can be found many places. I used to buy whatever appealed to me, when Value and Quality came naturally at the Q. In life, everything changes and sadly not always for the better.

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Registered: ‎07-15-2011
I watch the Q for only certain shows. I am tired of seeing GILI items. Those items are just knick offs from high end designers. Q should get rid of that line now that LR is gone. Shipping prices have dropped to $3 but that is by postal service only, not UPS.
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On 2/23/2015 ROMARY 1 said:

Some folks can't get out and/or are too busy to drive to malls, shop from store to store, etc. It's a lot easier to see items on the models and order. And the price of gasoline is sometimes the same amount (as shipping charges)(and/or probably more) because of driving around from store to store, mall to mall. Not to mention the time in trying to match/coordinate items.

Hear Hear! (or is it Here Here?) Anyway...I can't stand going to the stores anymore. I recently read an article about the demise of malls across the country, complete with pictures of abandoned buildings and weeds in the parking lots!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 2/23/2015 Crisso said:

Kzeks, YIKES!!! {#emotions_dlg.scared}

I Know...{#emotions_dlg.laugh}!

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,750
Registered: ‎11-21-2011
I never do buy many clothes from the Q but there were some. I liked to buy something that I wouldn't see in B & M shops. Now the tops I like are in This $50 and $60 range and that is just absurd. They cannot even justify the cost because many are made with cheap fabric. I consider myself a smart shopper and I could get two nicer tops for half the price. The designers wouldn't be doing lines on the Q if they weren't making good money doing it. IMO I think many aren't going to be making clothing purchases. Truthfully if it wasn't for Wen and a few other beauty lines I wouldn't be buying much of anything anymore.
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I'm taking a nice long break myself. The prices, the shipping, the programming, the repetition, the boredom, many of the hosts and vendors and other factors just taken together make this not much of a must see TV experience for me. Who knows, maybe it'll look better when I tune back in sometime down the road. I sort of don't think so, but hey, hope springs eternal.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...