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Re: Don't ""wish"" your seasons away! :-)

On 8/3/2014 TY said: Stores gear up for back to school supplies in mid July. Summer clearance on clothes started in June. Christmas in July used to be one day, now it's half of July. Really with clothing being like fast food, there's no rush to buy clothes....turn around and there's always something new in the stores.

And the more fast food you eat, the more new clothes you will need (!)

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Re: Don't ""wish"" your seasons away! :-)

On 8/2/2014 naturalfan said:

And can someone please order me an extra extra extra small teenier than tiny (it will still be too big on me but its the teeniest size they make) in black please? I have only been here about half a day preparing for my show and going through all the information about all the products in this show but I just have not had time to order the extra extra extra small teenier than tiny so please order one for me. Unless of course, they can whip up and extra extra extra EXTRA small teenier than tiny for me.


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Re: Don't ""wish"" your seasons away! :-)

On 8/3/2014 Desertdi said:
On 8/2/2014 tucsongal said:

It also depends where you live. I look forward to October the way people up north look forward to April. Of course, we're only dealing with heat, not snow and ice {#emotions_dlg.devil2}.

Very few people realize that this is our severe weather..........unless they actually experience 115 in the shade........

I'm in Florida -- we have 85% humidity right now at 7am. Hot and humid = miserable weather. August is the worst, then there is finally a break at the end of September.

I try to appreciate what I can about summers here, but I equate it to someone in Michigan longing for Spring.

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Re: Don't ""wish"" your seasons away! :-)

The OP is totally correct. I don't know what in the world Laurie Goldstein is talking about. I live in New York and the Fall is gorgeous here. The weather is perfect plus all the leaves turning is beautiful. What is really going on is Laurie & QVC trying to grab your money before you spend it in the department stores when they bring out their Fall apparel. I didn't buy one thing from QVC. As a matter of fact I don't even watch when they bring out their Fall clothing. As I said, it's all about QVC wanting to be first in line to grab your money. I live in New York, the fashion center of the World. We have the best stores in the country and that is where I do 98% of my shopping.
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Re: Don't ""wish"" your seasons away! :-)

I agree. I love the fall and fall clothes but I can wait for fall. My favorite thing lately is don't wish your life away and take time to enjoy. The older I get the more I feel that way.

It took forever for nice weather to get here and I am in no hurry to go through all that again this winter.

I don't need any fall clothes and if I do I want a good bargain on them and I always buy clothes off season and get great prices too. Now to me that is fun. I always have things to start out each season that is new.

I just had my 40th class reunion and oh my where did that go. I also had a great time.

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Re: Don't ""wish"" your seasons away! :-)

On 8/3/2014 hrhdiva 1 said:

Ditto, it's sad that for the almighty green $$$, that's all we heard for the last couple days!

Thank, goodness in some parts of the country it's still in the 90's plus, after such a hard long winter.

We are just wishing our lives away.

I don't know that some are wishing their lives away, but not everyone thinks weather in the 90's+ is such a good thing. I know I don't!


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Re: Don't ""wish"" your seasons away! :-)

On 8/2/2014 Buck-i-Nana said:

Well, I'll be odd one out, but I don't consider this wishing my life away, and consider it getting prepared. I'm not purchasing summer clothes any more, I've got all I need to finish out the season.

This is nothing new, and QVC didn't invent starting the seasonal attire change-over in August. B&M stores have been doing this as long as I can remember.

No, QVC didn't start it they just "jump started" it a month earlier then the stores so that can be first in line to grab the consumer's money before they spend it at the B&M 's. no thanks, we have great stores here in New York and I will wait until the Fall when, unlike QVC, the stores bring out ALL NEW 2014 Fall fashion vs QVC's leftover inventory.
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Re: Don't ""wish"" your seasons away! :-)

I love to see fall fashions so I have them in October. I always start looking forward to fall fashions in August, so I am ahead of the fashion curve. Right now I am wearing white capri's, not rushing summer away at all, just being prepared for the fall trend. : )

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Re: Don't ""wish"" your seasons away! :-)

I'm going out fall clothes shopping this afternoon, and I'll start wearing them with appropriate change in the weather. Then it's home for some great summer grilling and enjoying the afternoon outdoors.

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Re: Don't ""wish"" your seasons away! :-)

I so agree with you. I tell myself not to ""rush the day"" when I get impatient for a future event.