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Does anyone know how many bees are in the entire collection?

I was wondering if anyone knows how many bees make up the collection and "how long has this been goin' on?" Good guesses and rough estimates, welcome!

I have been noticing many different themed bee pins at the "bay" and the prices seem to go up everyday!!


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Re: Does anyone know how many bees are in the entire collection?

I'm not sure but the first 15 years Joan had a Bee or two with almost every visit Seems in the few years the focus was more on her clothing line
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Re: Does anyone know how many bees are in the entire collection?


Thanks for the information.

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Posts: 247
Registered: ‎04-02-2010

Re: Does anyone know how many bees are in the entire collection?

Bluegrassbaby..Thank you very much!...Wow, I only have 232 to go to complete my collection!..

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Posts: 247
Registered: ‎04-02-2010

Re: Does anyone know how many bees are in the entire collection?

OOOPS!..correct number is 241!

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Re: Does anyone know how many bees are in the entire collection?

When I looked at Pinterest there were many, many duplicate pics - but I do think it's still at least 200.

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Registered: ‎11-05-2010

Re: Does anyone know how many bees are in the entire collection?

Good question!!! That is a lot of bee pins, lol. Thanks for the "heads-up". I will check it out on Pinterest!