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Re: Do you look at others' clothing

@sandy53 I agree on this. I notice how others put things together. I don't think about what it costs at all. I do have 1 friend who wears the same outfit over & over. I mean to the point of, I call it "her uniform". She has work clothes, which consist of mostly sweats/t-shirts. When she "goes out", you can count on her wearing brown leggings, white tank, denim shirt. Rarely does she wear anything else. She is not into how she looks at all. I think I have to have something new to wear  for special events. Not her, she wears that "uniform". Sorry, but it drives me crazy.

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Re: Do you look at others' clothing

@Snicks1 wrote:

The only time I even notice what someone else is wearing is if it is either extremely trashy or extremely beautiful. Never do I give a thought to how much they spent. Why would anyone care what someone else spends on their clothing.

Edited to add; apparently they think everyone is that shallow.

Same here.  I notice really good clothing, and really bad clothing.  But I don't calculate how much someone's outfit is worth.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Do you look at others' clothing

I also don't notice "labels". I could care less what brand of anything that anyone wears. My DIL is a name brand person, & I find it irritating that she & her family always make a point of mentioning it. For instance, they all carry Yeti cups everywhere, & always saying "MY Yeti". Drives me insane with it. So what if they wasted $30.+ on a cup?? My Ozark Trail from WalMart keeps ice just as good as the Yeti. I do NOT "get" name brands of anything.

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Re: Do you look at others' clothing

I'd never even heard of Yeti until the song "I'm going to buy me a boat" lol
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Re: Do you look at others' clothing

@Sugipine wrote:

Last week I had the joyous invitation to attend the great-all-American event called "Jury Duty". At this festive event I was stunned to see such wonderful attire! Some were dressed like they were at a costume party and some looked rather under-the-bridge in appearance. One very sloppy dressed lady standing next to me said: "I dressed this way for a reason." She went on further to say: "I'm a school teacher and they always pick me so this time I dressed the part in an attempt to give them the wrong visual impression." I chuckled and told her she was so smart to dress that way! LOL! I would never have thought she was a professional by the way she was dressed.

@SillieeMee Dressing like a slob will not always get you off jury duty, lol. A teacher is typically well educated, considered to be intelligent, and often is paid for time spent at jury duty. Perfect. It is not unusual for professionals to show up for jury duty in a sweatshirt, jeans and sneakers.
Do the math.
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Re: Do you look at others' clothing

I've heard hosts say that but I don't think they are saying that anyone looks at someone's outfit and mentally calculates how much we think it costs.  That's not what they are saying.  I think many wome like myelf who know and love fashion do enjoy observing how other women style their clothes.  It's how we get ideas for our own wardrobes.  It's how we learn.  So, you see some woman in a fabulous outfit, she looks like she should be in a fashion magazine and your immediate reaction is that; she must have paid $$$$ dollars for that jacket (or boots or coat or dress..).  We see "fabulous" and we think $$$$ when that isn't necessarily the case.

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Re: Do you look at others' clothing




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Re: Do you look at others' clothing

I thought that judging others by their clothing was something we got over by the time we graduated from high school.

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Re: Do you look at others' clothing

The clear message is that someone is going to look at you and think 'wow that must have cost x amount of dollars!' I personally don't look at what somebody is wearing in those terms. It's cute or it's not; I don't assume any amount spent. When I do consider value it's a purse with a label. I posted the question because I was curious if any others think in those terms
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Re: Do you look at others' clothing

I love fashion and admit to people watching. I don't think spending a fortune on clothing is going to get anyone on the best dressed list. For the most part I think having "style" doesn't mean dressing in expensive clothing. It has a lot more to do with knowing how to put things together and making sure the fabrics are good quality and your accessories are well thought out.


I have known some wealthy women who don't have a clue and dress with expensive labels yet don't look all that great. Yet years ago when a lot of us were struggling, some of my friends dressed impeccably because they knew exactly how to put things together. They just have the "gift" of style......something money can't buy.