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Re: Do you keep something beautiful in your closet even if . . .

@GingerPeach  Great question . Yes I have clothes and other things I HOLD  on to....but, I know that as the saying goes “ you can not take it with you”  and the older I get, I must chose to part with THINGS and STUFF.     I need to get on that here real soon. 

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Re: Do you keep something beautiful in your closet even if . . .

When you are purging your closet there is always one item , at least for me , that for one reason or another you can't let go of. 

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Re: Do you keep something beautiful in your closet even if . . .

A SIMONTONSAYS blouse by George Simonton. From way long ago. Never worn. 

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Re: Do you keep something beautiful in your closet even if . . .

@GingerPeach wrote:

. . .you don't wear it often, or maybe you won't ever get around to wearing it again?


I have several items I hold onto, just because they are lovely, and I like to look at them.  They are wearable, but the occasions on which I might wear them come around very infrequently, and for some maybe never.


I don't believe each and every item in a closet MUST be something you wear.  I think there can be room for something beautiful that may be something you loved once and still enjoy - even it it's just to look at.


Do some of you keep special items or are you practical and create a practical wardrobe, too?  (Use any other term besides "practical" since that may not be the best descriptor.) 



I have done a complete overhaul in my closet this year.   Since I am now retired, I got rid of many things I will never wear again.  I do have one item in the back of my closet that I will never part with.  It is a fur jacket my mother had with her initials inside.  It has to be at least 70 years old.  Back in her day, it was the style.   I will never wear it...but I love having it to remember her. 

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Re: Do you keep something beautiful in your closet even if . . .

I don't keep things I don't wear long.  When I taught and always chaperoned the prom, I wore beautiful gowns which I always got on sale.  The students loved it.

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Re: Do you keep something beautiful in your closet even if . . .

No, I gave up on the foolish notion that my lifestyle would change or I would find a Prince Charming or would turn into something other than a pumpkin a couple years ago and now all I have are things I wear regularly.  But, it is great to hold onto that hope.  keep it as long as you wish.  I have become a realist about my age, my looks, my size, my activities and possibility of a glamorous lifestyle someday.

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Re: Do you keep somethig beautiful in your closet even if . . .

I have a red wool jacket with a black velvet collar and buttons that is 25 years old that I can still wear. The jacket is so well made and I paid so much for it, I probably wore it 5 times in all those years, but I just can't part with it. It's the kind of jacket that will never go out of style as we know it.

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Re: Do you keep something beautiful in your closet even if . . .

Here I am , living in the 🌵 desert, yet I still have some beautiful winter coats from when I lived up north, that I just can’t part with yet.

Especially a couple Pamela McCoy beauties that are like brand new.


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Re: Do you keep something beautiful in your closet even if . . .

I have some dressy jackets that I usually use when I cruise but haven't gone on a cruise in several years.  What I do own, and sometimes never wear but would never get rid of are some beautiful pieces of jewelry (although I do wear several pieces of many other pieces that I own).  These are works of art and I love their design and the memories they evoke.

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Re: Do you keep something beautiful in your closet even if . . .

I have just one such item.  It is a custom made, traditional silk Chinese dress that was made for me during a long ago trip to China.  All the females in our group did this (very inexpensive) and we wore them to a banquet.  Great photos of that night!


I did wear it one other a costume party.  I'd love to have another such event so I can wear it again