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Re: Do you do FaceBook?? Your thoughts?

Adding one more comment: I don't like finding out the important stuff on Facebook either... as in someone died and the only notice is on Facebook. Happened four times to me.

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Re: Do you do FaceBook?? Your thoughts?

On 10/26/2014 bonnielu said:

Adding one more comment: I don't like finding out the important stuff on Facebook either... as in someone died and the only notice is on Facebook. Happened four times to me.

Same here........and one was a close relative

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Re: Do you do FaceBook?? Your thoughts?

On 10/26/2014 ECBG said:

So, when you DO finally see someone who has spent pretty much of their time interacting with a computer to read FB instead of with you sharing life experiences, what is left to enjoy sharing?{#emotions_dlg.blink}

Reminds me of those mass Christmas letters! UGH!!!{#emotions_dlg.bored}

Exactly. And those Xmas newsletters ... my sister sends one out every year. She updates everyone as to what all of her family members have been doing over the last year. She even puts their personal business in it and makes a joke out of stuff that is not at all funny; example, her son getting in a drunken stooper and doing something stupid. Then she invites all her family and friends to her Xmas eve party. I don't even read it anymore when it arrives ... I rip it up and throw it out.

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Re: Do you do FaceBook?? Your thoughts?

On 10/26/2014 Lucky Charm said:

Your OP started off very light and airy, but quickly turned into an anti-Lisa post. If you can't stand looking at her pics on her OTHER FB account, then why are you?????? You're irritating your own self.

I thought the same thing.
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Re: Do you do FaceBook?? Your thoughts?

FB is what each individual chooses to make of it. It can be used for as many purposes, or personas, as one can dream up - or not. I use it to keep up with family and friends, and with businesses, interests and hobbies I'm interested in, as well as news. I have no interest in following or "Liking" anyone from a shopping channel - or any celebrity, really. FB is actually my Real World place. Most people on FB use their real names because they want to connect with family and friends, though there are plenty of personas as well. It's very true that on the internet one can "be" whatever one chooses, but I would think less so on FB than on a public forum. Public figures have FB pages for entirely different reasons, publicity being the main one.

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Re: Do you do FaceBook?? Your thoughts?

People who think they can "control" their information and "privacy" obviously haven't read the TERMS OF USE they agreed to when they signed on ........ {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Facebook can use your information and sell it to whomever they want, whenever they want to.

WHY do you think they don't charge a monthly fee? {#emotions_dlg.confused1}

They are making a TON of money selling your information and patterns! {#emotions_dlg.scared}

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Re: Do you do FaceBook?? Your thoughts?

On 10/26/2014 Tinkrbl44 said:

People who think they can "control" their information and "privacy" obviously haven't read the TERMS OF USE they agreed to when they signed on ........ {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Facebook can use your information and sell it to whomever they want, whenever they want to.

WHY do you think they don't charge a monthly fee? {#emotions_dlg.confused1}

They are making a TON of money selling your information and patterns! {#emotions_dlg.scared}

And this is different from anywhere else on the internet, how? It's a fact of 21st C life *anywhere* online. Most people under 30 (I am not one of those people) don't give the sort of privacy the rest of us grew up taking for granted a thought, because they don't miss what they've never had. I don't waste my time worrying about someone stealing my identity or doing some other nefarious thing with any "information" that can be gleaned about me online. I'm neither rich enough or important enough for anyone to want to bother with.

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Re: Do you do FaceBook?? Your thoughts?

I don't do facebook.

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Re: Do you do FaceBook?? Your thoughts?

NO! I purposely avoid drinking the "collective koolaid" and refuse to join groups or trends and people who bend to what "society" expects. Be a real rebel. Do your own thing. Want to know how someone is? Pick up the phone, write a letter or even better if close enough go drive over to see how they are. Please join those of us who refuse to bend, those of us who ask questions and demand answers. Don't give the Federal Government any more information about you than absolutely necessary by being stupid and posting it all online. Respect YOUR OWN right to privacy and don't use Facebook/Twitter/MySpace/Instagram or any social media.

Respect your own privacy rights while you still have them.

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Re: Do you do FaceBook?? Your thoughts?

I would LOVE it if the people on my facebook page posted pictures of their lunch or showed what outfit they wore today. LOVE it! Instead I have too many that think everyone wants to know all their religious and political thoughts. TMI for me and obnoxious! I liked some of them better before I knew that much about them. I was so glad when I found out how to take them off my main page.

The only good thing about facebook is I can find out what's going on with my niece. She's a busy 20-something who doesn't see much point in checking in with her aunt, or her father, or her nana, so good thing for facebook. But I sometimes go several months without signing in.