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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

Not since the 80's and 90's when I had every color under the rainbow of Liz Claiborne handbags and Keds tennis shoes. Not to mention the big bow in my hair matched all as well. I was such PTA Mom. But I grew old and got wise, it does not matter anymore. But still looks good when I see others still put together like that.

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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

I never change my handbag! I have a black leather MK that I love and will use it till it falls apart! I can't imagine changing bags everyday.

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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

On 3/27/2015 redngold said:

I never change my handbag! I have a black leather MK that I love and will use it till it falls apart! I can't imagine changing bags everyday.

Prior to wearing smaller cross-body bags as I do now, I carried a somewhat larger black leather shoulder bag with dark brown edges on the leather that I carried for years!

ETA: It went with everything in my neutral wardrobe... perfect!

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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

I don't have the time to change my bag out every single day. I carry "stuff" in my bag, it wouldn't be possible. I have a lot of bags and change my bags weekly or bi-weekly and when I do, I build my outfits around the bag and footwear. For example, this week I carried my dark brown Roma 2 bag. So, I wore my dark brown boots and shoes. I wore a tweed coat that is in shades of browns and grays and all week my clothing was in the brown/tan/gray/black colors. It sounds like a lot of effort but it truly isn't. I like to look really nice and pulled together. That takes some effort, it doesn't happen by itself.

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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

No. I only have a few and they are neutrals. Generally, in the fall and winter, I may carry one bag the entire season. During spring and summer, I change more frequently, but still in the neural family. They go with my entire wardrobe.
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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

No. But I try not to clash too much.
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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

Only if I'm wearing camouflage while hunting.

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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

Yes, I change my bags all the time. Takes me about 45 seconds to reach for a different bag on the shelf and swap my stuff over. Takes longer to lace up shoes.
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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

It depends on where I'm going and what I'm doing and sometimes what I'm wearing, so yes I do. I happen to love handbags though, so it's just my thing.

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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

Definitely, I change my handbag depending on my outfit, and I change my shoes depending on my outfit.