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Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

Well its Spring, and I put away my leather bag and using my Vera Bradley bags..I have so many colors! My friend changes her bags, daily, regardless of the season! I love that! She's a stylist and an interior designer and she knows her stuff. She's older, and dresses young! Love that she has become my mentor! Looking at the Lily Pulitzer lookbook for Target, put me in the mood for bright pinks, corals, turquoise..etc I am SO ready for a change!! I also checked out Vera B's website, btw they have free shipping that expires today~Cool

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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

Nope. I am a silver/white gold gal and my silver Coach (LOVE it!) goes with everything! Besides there's WAY too much stuff in that baby to be moving it to a new ""home"" everyday.

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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

No, I carry neutral color leather bags, year round, so no need or desire to be changing out my bags daily. I guess I'm not that ambitious, Smile.

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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

I do.

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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

I only change my bag if I have another bag that I feel will complement what I'm wearing better.

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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

Depends on where I'm going. I have a couple of ""go with everything"" bags and I have a lot of ""jazzy"" bags.

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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

I use a Travelon organizer for everyday/running errands.

When DH and I go out or for social gatherings, I use a nicer purse. I have about a half dozen, mostly neutrals, and not enough to match every outfit.

I love handbags! But as a matter of priorities, I try to keep the number low.

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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

On 3/27/2015 vaccinia said:

I only change my bag if I have another bag that I feel will complement what I'm wearing better.

Great idea!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

No because it's more or less what I ""feel"" like carrying and I trade off every few weeks. I do tend to have shoes that blend or match with the bag....

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Do you change your handbag to match your outfit???

On 3/27/2015 peachesncream said:

I'm retired, and I use a Travelon organizer for everyday/running errands.

When DH and I go out or for social gatherings, I use a nicer purse. I have about a half dozen to choose from, mostly neutrals, not enough to match every outfit.

I love handbags! But as a matter of priorities, I try to keep the number low.

I've been collecting my VB stash for many years...thats why I have a large collection! No way could I afford too these days..except for Ebay! I LOVE handbags!{#emotions_dlg.wub}

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West