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Re: Do you buy "backup" shoes?

If they are on sale and it’s a fave style - yes. I buy multiples. They last for years. (I’m still wearing shoes I bought in 2003.). Good shoes -classic styles.

I only wear certain styles of shoes so when I find them I buy as many as I can afford - usually two in black and every other color.
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Re: Do you buy "backup" shoes?

I always do.  It is difficult for me to find comfortable shoes.  When I do, I wear them a lot and they wear out quickly.  I often have different colors and even the same colors in duplicate.


I do the same for pants and t shirts and bras too.  I hate when my favorite style or color is discontinued.


If It was easy to find clothing and shoes in my size that fit well, I probably wouldn't.

Posts: 64
Registered: ‎03-23-2010

Re: Do you buy "backup" shoes?

I don't buy back up shoes but I buy back up Guess jeans, Ugg slippers and  GAP t shirts. I thought I was the only person who does this kind of thing.  

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Re: Do you buy "backup" shoes?

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

I do. When i find an oustanding pair of shoes that really fit my narrow feet, i often buy a 2nd or 3rd  identical pair. I am always afraid that the style will be discontinued (and they usually do at some point). i am curious if anybody else does this......


@Goldengate8361 , I can only think of three times when I found shoes that were so right, I went back within days and bought another pair.


In my teens, in my thirties, in my fifties. That's how rarely it happens.


Styles come and go rapidly so of course they were always gone when I thought to look for a third pair.


Same with jeans. When I find that perfect fit, I want a few pair right away. I'll wear them as long as I'm the same size and shape.


A really good fitting garment is so easy to wear.

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Re: Do you buy "backup" shoes?

When I wore suits to work, I had three or four pairs of Karen Scott “Clancy” pumps in rotation with a backup in the box at any given time.
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Re: Do you buy "backup" shoes?

not really but I used to go to TJMaxx and buy several pairs of sneakers in different colors b/c they were a great price and so comfortable.

10 years later I am still wearing them, they still look pretty good. 

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Re: Do you buy "backup" shoes?

Absolutely!  I bet I have 6 or 7 pairs of a shoe (brand new) of a certain style of Orthaheel (not Vionics).  When they were on *their way out*, I grabbed as many as I could, stuck to the two colors that I wore most and am so glad that I have them. 


I also have this style that I'm currently wearing and in 3 different colors.  The thing is, these shoes do wear out eventually as do sneakers (for walking and jogging) and it's not a good idea to continue to wear them if they've lost their optimum support.  Not good for your feet.


I also have backup boots (PawJ California--LHeartVE!) in black.  


Also two pairs of *indoor* shoes by Vionics (Kiwis) in boxes at the ready when my current pairs wear out.


I have duplicates, triplicates and quadriplicates (LOL) of so many pieces of clothing it's not even funny.  Especially black pants and black shirts.  I like my blacks to be BLACK.


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Re: Do you buy "backup" shoes?

Yes, and other things too.

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Re: Do you buy "backup" shoes?

No to backups.   I am keeping my shoes to a minimum and replacing them every 2 years in order to keep my ever changing feet happy.   

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Do you buy "backup" shoes?

Yes!   I also have very narrow feet, size 6.  Very difficult to find shoes that fit.  I needed heels when I worked -- when I found a pair that fit and was comfortable, I'd buy it in every color and 2 in black and beige.  And I'd repeat-buy every season so I'd always have backups.  I was paranoid about it.   I do the same now for Naturalizer flats and Dr. Scholl's loafers.

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
- Eleanor Roosevelt