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I love their catalogs, but for me, the majority of their things are too high priced.  Enjoy!!! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Sundance certainly does have tons of lovely items to wear but of course we pay for that lovliness. I get their catelogs and just dream, wish I could afford them.

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Love that aqua sweater...but would never pay the price.

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Soooo, @Andreatoo -- which ones did you buy?





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This catalog gets me every time too! 

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Re: Darn you Sundance!!

[ Edited ]

@tototwo wrote:

Soooo, @Andreatoo -- which ones did you buy?






I wish I could afford all of it! But the cardigan really has me drooling!


I can almost justify it just with the fact that it would be so versatile! I can picture it styled with denim but also with a beautiful skirt for a professional look, a sharp trouser, etc.

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I got the catalog for years and then it stopped coming.  I never bought anything.   The things I liked were more than I wanted to pay.