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I just got a pair of DG2 jeans. They have a horrible smell to them. I have washed them serveral times and they still smell. Any suggestions on how to get rid of it? The jeans fit well. Thanks

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Oh wow. I also received a pair of white DG2 jeans a week ago. No bad smell on mine. Not on the 11 other pair of DG2 jeans I have. I have heard some people put vinegar in the rinse cycle not only to soften the fabric but remove odors. You might give it a try.
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If you purchased her jeans in black the stink will never go away no matter what you try.  Believe me I'm very familiar with this issue.  Customers have been complaining for years and nothing is done about this.

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No they are regular blue jean color.

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Put them in the washer with enough cold water to cover them, add a cup of white vinegar and then agitate until well mixed. Let them soak in that vinegar water overnight and then rinse. No need to use detergent at that point. Vinegar will not harm the fabric or will it make the denim fade.

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Registered: ‎07-15-2010

Thanks. I did a live chat with HSN and they are sending me a new pair.


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But i will remember the vinegar if it happens again.

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@plc123.  For years, I've successfully used Don Asletts XO deodorizer (Amazon) to remove that smell from denim fabric.  I spray it, let it dry, spray again then wash.  It'll be completely gone.


There are other grocery store deodorants that would probably work but airing and just washing won't do it.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Posts: 486
Registered: ‎07-15-2010

Thanks. I will look into that if the new pair they are sending still smells.