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Re: Cover women's buffalo hump

  1. My middle sister had that.  She had her's removed.  It was a simple day surgery procedure. It's a collection of fat tissue that cab easily be removed via a liposuction type procedure.  
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Re: Cover women's buffalo hump

It would be worthwhile to see if this is just a fat deposit or a bone problem.  Different solutions.

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Re: Cover women's buffalo hump

If you haven't already, look into Cushings disease due to high cortisol levels.  I too have the fat pad (which is what they are now calling it) and my cortisol levels are through the roof from a pituitary tumor.  Good luck to you.

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Re: Cover women's buffalo hump

I've never heard the term "buffalo hump" before. 

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Re: Cover women's buffalo hump

I would not even notice that on someone.

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Re: Cover women's buffalo hump

I watch too much "Dr Pimple Popper".... That bump might be a lypoma (sp?) which can be removed in a simple day surgery. My husband had a bump like that and on the same area of his back 3 yrs ago. He had it removed at the doctor's office. No recovery time and it hasn't returned.

Otherwise, your bump really isn't that noticeable.
* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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Registered: ‎01-07-2021

Re: Cover women's buffalo hump

  • yes, make an appointment with an endo to get your level checked I too had USHING had surgery to have the tumor removed level back to normal and no more hump!!!!