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Re: Contestant for the worst shirt of the year....

@noodleann wrote:

I couldn't help it, I automatically counted. She's got four tails, just like my Hefties Wings trash bags. They're so handy, you just tie the two wings opposite each other and then tie the other ones, and the bag is all tied up with a nice knot at the top.


I believe a similar fate should befall clothing like this. Without the model, of course.



lol, Hefties Wings, that's exactly what came to my mind when I saw this top.


Wendy Russo was trying to show how versatile it was by tying those wings in different ways.  She must have felt like an idiot.  

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Re: Contestant for the worst shirt of the year....

I bought the Indigo Thread TSV top and a One World top the other day but I don't care for this long sharkbite top either. I think it's way overdesigned.


But the fabric prints are really pretty. And I have tall co-worker that could really carry off a top like this.



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Re: Contestant for the worst shirt of the year....

@Abrowneyegirl  I agree! It is AWFUL!  Looks horrible with all the dangly business going on.  It is actually humorous 😂😅

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Re: Contestant for the worst shirt of the year....

@shaggygirl wrote:

I vote worst shirt goes to Mike Lindell's blue one. Oh wait, you mean shirt for sale.

@shaggygirl  Yup, really bad and his dangly necklace .....