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At Costco.  11.99

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎05-12-2012

Thanks for the info.......another way overpriced line on the Q.......they're just pajamas!!!

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They're called "Midnight by Carole Hochman" and are a made-for-Costco style. These are 95% modal/5% spandex, and I found them very thin with not much body to the fabric. I think much of what CH has on the Q is made of more substantial fabrics.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Are u talking about the CH modal pajamas with short sleves, which are shown on-line for $15.99?

I have 2 pairs with the short sleeves (size medium) - and 2 pairs with 3/4 sleeves (size small), which I purchased at Costco last year. They do run BIG. I'm 4'11", 138 lbs. and a small fits in the length, but the crotch area is short. In the size medium (which I always wear), the top is a little big, and the length is 2-1/2" too long (but the crotch area is longer). They do shrink - so it depends on ur height/weight.

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If you wait until April 7th they will be $3.00 off in the new coupon book.

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The pajamas I bought on the Q are all stretched out and bottoms are beginning to fall off. I haven't had them that long and the price is too high for the quality. I think the price was over $50.00 for cr--p.

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I purchased her 100% cotton ones that were sold on the Q.  It is a 3 piece set.  They were very thin.  The ones by Isaac are heavier and I love those.  

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They are good PJs/Nightgowns.  I've bought all the ones I own at TJ Maxx -- much less expensive than Q's prices and no S&H charge.

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I can't find plus sizes at Costco.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

No way would I pay $50+ for pjs, nor would I pay to shop at Costco, although there's one near me.

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