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Can you imagine being William's wife, Kate?

I imagine she could look great anytime, but I thought, I can't imagine having to look so put together for all the photographers all the time. I know Dianna was photographed that way and hounded by photographers. It must be quite a burden to face that all the time.


How do you look when you go out the door? Around here, for the mail, my worst is no makeup and hair in rollers.

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Re: Can you imagine being William's wife, Kate?

Heck no. The public is brutal, they think they have the right to know and comment about everything. Not only do I have no desire to be in the public eye, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from telling them to kiss off. 

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Re: Can you imagine being William's wife, Kate?

There's not enough money in the world for me to want that kind of lifestyle.


As for me, I chill with my makeup on the weekend.  I wear none (even when I do my food shopping and stuff) and I usually do a nice facial mask on both Saturday and Sunday evening.  I like to give my skin a break.

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Re: Can you imagine being William's wife, Kate?

If I had her stylists and budget, I wouldn't consider it a burden to get "put together" for photographers.  

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Re: Can you imagine being William's wife, Kate?

No....cant imagine being that "Posh" LOL

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Re: Can you imagine being William's wife, Kate?

[ Edited ]

I know that almost every girl dreams of finding her handsome prince, and

Kate certainly has done that. But to live such an exposed lifestyle, in spite of the obvious perks (clothing, makeup coordinators, hair stylists,  maids, etc.)  I think I am much better suited for the lifestyle I've had.  I was able to spend

as much time as I wanted with my children, do the things I wanted, and spend quality time with my husband without interference of mandatory schedules.  I think it's better to be me. But I think she is amazing and very beautiful.

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Re: Can you imagine being William's wife, Kate?

No because I don't want to wear a dress or heels. LOL!!!

If I want to sit around the house in my pjs all day so be it.

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Re: Can you imagine being William's wife, Kate?

She's got her staff to take care of her twenty-four-seven. But I still would not want to be in her shoes or anyone else's whose life is always in the public eye.

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Re: Can you imagine being William's wife, Kate?

No thank you. 

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Re: Can you imagine being William's wife, Kate?

huh?   Looking good and letting herself be photographed looking good is Kate's job. She does it very well but we only see what we are supposed to see.  We don't know what she looks like when she's living her private life.  I'm sure she looks amazing but not as perfect as her public persona.  Kate is an educated woman who knows the realities of her life.