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@Abrowneyegirl wrote:


A little help please...


Long, sad story short

A pair of brand new silk pants went through the wash!!! On warm!

Of course they were Dry Clean Only.

When I found them in the washer the lining was about 4 inches LONGER than the pants!


Is there anything I can do to save my pants?

Not only were they very expensive, but they are gorgeous.  The ONE time I wore them I think I got 6 compliments that day.


I bought them in a boutique while traveling, I have been searching online for a replacement so far no luck.


Any help would be appreciated, or sympathy Smiley Happy




Worse things will happen.....


do you really need the lining in the pants? sounds as though the silk is fine.

I personally hate lined pants and have cut out the lining.

try having the pants pressed and see what they look like,

you wont be able to get the length back on the lining at all


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I had this happen with a silk skirt and a certain (male) member of the household sending it through the wash.  I had a seamstress shorten the lining, because it stuck out about 2 inches beyond the hem after being washed.  Then it was fine and no more mishaps with the silk.

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Is it just the lining that was ruined in the wash?


Why not just shorten the lining?

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If you sew (or know someone who does) you could alweays give it the logo treatment and add a little somethin' at the bottom.


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Re: Can I save it?

[ Edited ]

@poppinfresh wrote:

I read this somewhere and tried it on a shirt I shrunk beyond belief. Soak your garment in fabric softener, put it through your rinse cycle, then streatch it out and hang dry. It worked for me, so it is worth a try.

Agree with poppinfresh's suggestion above, as well as the suggestion from another to take them to the dry cleaner.  As for the lining, you can shorten.  Don't give up yet! Smiley Wink Good Luck!!!

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Thank you for the responses, I will take my pathetic looking wrinkled pants to the dry cleaners and see what they can do.


I will try them on to see how narrow they are.  The length does not worry me as I know I can make them shorter, but  I am REALLY worried they shrank in both directions.

The color is also not great, dull and odd looking....


I literally took them out of the washer and set them aside to dry and try to avoid looking at them, now it is time to deal with it......


Fingers crossed.


Thank you!