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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I agree the must versatile item in your closet is a good pair of black pants. I like Eddie Bauer for pants and they offer inseams for all heights. Chicos has some nice shirts. I also like White House Black Market for tops, sweaters.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

White House Black Market. Check what they offer under workkit

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

I think a cardigan or jacket can add a little "business" to "casual."

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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

It depends on whether your company's version of business casual requires you wear a jacket or blazer every day.

When I was in the insurance business, we were required to wear a jacket or blazer every day ... even if it was 95 degrees and we were out on appointments. Since I could be going to a factory in the morning and to a very dressy law firm in the afternoon, I made the jackets my focal point. I found it best to wear both dressy trousers and a sleeveless shell in either navy or black .... and then vary the blazers.

Over time, I tended to wear more black than navy because there are about 35 different shades of navy and unless you buy the same pieces from the same designer (and hopefully the same dye lot) the navy blues don't match. In most cases, black is black.

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On 4/19/2014 Iwantcoffee said:

White House Black Market. Check what they offer under workkit

image enlargement

I totally agree, WHBM perfect place!

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎07-18-2010
I definitely agree with everyone about a good pair of black pants. They are a must. Over time, I've added a variety of a few different lengths, fabrications, and silhouettes (wide-legged, straight legged, slightly fitted, etc.). Not sure if you're a dress lover but let me tell you, they come in handy for those morning where you're in a rush or don't feel like coordinating separates. Throw on a dress, add a pair of heels or flats if you'd prefer, earrings and go. If you're near a Marshall's or TJ Maxx, go there for your tops. They have a variety of designer tops for reasonable prices. You have to flip through the racks, but that's half the fun of it. Good luck with your new job!! How exciting!!!
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Registered: ‎07-27-2013

My favorite places to get dress/casual:

* Eddie Bauer -- good quality, options for hem lengths (and even tall sizes for sweaters/shirts)

* Express -- updated clothes, great basic layering camis (and I like their jeans and pants too).

* Victoria Secret -- clothes are online -- good sweaters and shirts.

I agree with the need for black pants. The things above go with black pants.

Posts: 37
Registered: ‎10-06-2013

A HUGE thank you to everyone that posted suggestions on business casual!!

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Posts: 17,491
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

My standard outfit is the Charming Cardis and matching shells from Talbots with dress pants.

I only go into the office 1-2 days a week, so I can mix and match everything.

QVC Shopper - 1993