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Re: Brooke Shields At The NYC Ballet

I'm not a fan of the dress but it's her hair that I really don't like in these photos. 


I think she's a beautiful woman but the hair is just too severe looking on her older face.  I think a softer style would be more flattering.

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Re: Brooke Shields At The NYC Ballet

She looks awesome. Happy, proud, and classy.  She also looks like she is growing old gracefully and not totally ruining herself like so many others have with surgeries.  She looks great!

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Re: Brooke Shields At The NYC Ballet

I love the whole look.

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Re: Brooke Shields At The NYC Ballet

Brooke is beautiful.  I like the dress but it's just a little too retro for me to really embrace it.

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Re: Brooke Shields At The NYC Ballet

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

Brooke is beautiful and I love her, but I'm not liking the dress.  It looks matronly on her.  I don't think the hairstyle is doing her any favors either 

@San Antonio Gal I'm not sure what you intend to say by "matronly" but it doesn't sound like it is praise.  One definition of matronly is:

A matronly woman, usually one who is not young, is fat and does not dress in a fashionable way.


From that it sounds like looking "not young" is a bad thing, fat (body shaming here) is not a good thing, and being not fashionabe is a bad thing.  So as someone who is old, could stand to lose some weight around my middle and does not dress fashionaby (I am well dressed but in classic manner not fashionable), I take the hit. . . and the hint.  


But I guess matronly describes a lot of old, elderly, not young women who don't measure up.


I thought she looked great.  The dress is a treasure, and far more elegant than the sequins, lack of fabric, and bare legs that many young, slim, "fashionabe" women wear now.  But they are fashionable thank goodness.  

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Re: Brooke Shields At The NYC Ballet

I would love to see a photo of her mother meeting the Queen in that dress.  I haven't been able to find one.

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Re: Brooke Shields At The NYC Ballet

I think the dress and Brooke look lovely, though I agree with the too heavy eyebrows. I always wondered about her mom's intentions when Brooke was a youngster and am glad that they had such a wonderful relationship.

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Re: Brooke Shields At The NYC Ballet

It's not my favorite dress or style. The dress looks a bit heavy to me. I think the dress looks best in the second photo with her arms away from her body, but no one is going to stand like that all night. 

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Re: Brooke Shields At The NYC Ballet

@Daisy Sunflower wrote:


...Her thick, dark brows are too manly-looking - The dark eye makeup doesn't look good either.


^^^^ That was my first thought too.


However, I love the understated elegance of the dress ♥

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Re: Brooke Shields At The NYC Ballet

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

Brooke is beautiful and I love her, but I'm not liking the dress.  It looks matronly on her.  I don't think the hairstyle is doing her any favors either 




i didnt want to use that M word, but i have to agree.


it is not a great look on her, but it isnt hideous. lol

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