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Registered: ‎10-23-2015

Re: Brand ambassadors in studio...PLEASE let them speak!

Jane is the worst.  I can't even watch her she's so obnoxious. Leah is a gem. She lets the OAPs speak and present their product and she knows exactly when to interject so that it seems like a normal, natural conversation.  

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Brand ambassadors in studio...PLEASE let them speak!

Jane Treacy and Rachel Boesing are the worst..


There are a frew more that do this as well, but those 2 mentioned are the worst in my opinion. I am not saying they are bad hosts, but they have the tendency to talk over the vendors and you end up feeling bad for the poor vendors just standing there waiting to speak.


I saw this once on Saturday Morning Q with the sweet Skechers Rep Angela, she was with both Alberti and Kiersten, and she couldn't get a word in edgewise, she kept trying

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Posts: 461
Registered: ‎08-31-2013

Re: Brand ambassadors in studio...PLEASE let them speak!

I tried to watch Susan Graver last night with Sandra Bennett hosting. Between the two of them constantly interrupting each other it was almost unwatchable. Same with Sandra and Isaac