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Re: Barefoot Dreams a luxury item?

Everyone has a right to their opinion.  I really like the BD that I purchased ...untill they shrank when I washed them...and the sleeves were way too tight for me.  I don't bother anymore.  A lot of people could say that Logo is way tooooo expensive for what you get.   (me for one).  Some people love it and some people don't and wouldn't pay the high prices.  But I guess that is the great thing about having so many different designers.  We can pick and choose which ones we like and order from them.  And the ones we don't like....don't order from them. 

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Re: Barefoot Dreams a luxury item?

I just received a beautiful and lusciously soft sweater from Ann Taylor. Polyester and rayon! It's amazing what they're doing with textiles these days

Posts: 26
Registered: ‎08-04-2012

Re: Barefoot Dreams a luxury item?

Couldn't agree more. The idea that the regular price shoiuld be $110 is just laughable.


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Re: Barefoot Dreams a luxury item?

Everytime their is a BD TSV we get the same comments. Some love BD some hate BD and some have never tried it and yet voice an opinion based on cost.  Not everyone is going to like all lines offered that's why options are available. There are 2 lines I wouldn't pay $5 for any item offered but other ladies love them so I hope they enjoy them, it's not up to me to disagree with them and their choices. 

Reviews based on personal experience, value etc are welcome and good or not they are helpful.  Stop caring what otheres spend their money on. 

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Re: Barefoot Dreams a luxury item?

All of their items are very, very overpriced!!!!


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Posts: 11,562
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Barefoot Dreams a luxury item?

[ Edited ]

@Kachina624 wrote:

Only in price.  When you get it in hand, you find it's very ordinary.


Back about 2005, I bought what was felt to be the same thing from JC Penney in pajamas.  I loved them.  They wore like steel.  I liked them so much and JCP no longer carried them (and nobody carried them for $30 top and bottom).  I gave my housekeeper two sets for Christmas which she loved.  She thought they were the greatest things she ever had.  She and I both were so sad we could no longer find them.  We wanted them for our everyday wear at home in cold weather.  


Years later, I see BD and they appear to be the same thing (originally) but the price was exorbitant.  My DH wanted me to have them because he knew that I loved the sets from JCP.  So I relented and I bought them.  Oh, my.  When I washed them, I had to do an extra couple cleanings on my washer  I threw them away after the second time washing as it was not much better.  My washer cost far more than BD and I don't want to have to buy another washer.

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Registered: ‎06-06-2019

Re: Barefoot Dreams a luxury item?

My experience is it's one of the softest fabrics I ever felt.  If you've never purchased and you're commenting based on price, you're being judgemental just because of the price.  It's not like anything you'd purchase from K-Mart for $25.

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Registered: ‎05-02-2017

Re: Barefoot Dreams a luxury item?

Luxury is in the eyes of the beholder.


Criticizing the cost of an item or the fabrication changes nobody's minds.


Many women are willing to pay this price and far more, because they like the look and the feel of a clothing item.


I never criticize other people's clothing tastes or spending habits because we all see things from our own perspectives.


Personally I can never wear wool against my skin because I start to itch, but DH loves its and has many thick wool sweaters.


We are all different and thank goodness QVC has something for almost everybody!


P.S. I bought the Barefoot Dreams sweater in cream Fair Isle so I can look like a stylish Winter person when I go to the ski slopes with DH and watch him ski!



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Barefoot Dreams a luxury item?

They call it "luxury" so they can charge luxury prices.



* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Barefoot Dreams a luxury item?

Love all the BFD items I have purchased over the years. Wear them all and feel like price per wear for what I bought was a deal
