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Bare Feet in Polar Vortex Temperatures

As you can tell by my name, I love style and try to keep up with the latest trends. But one recent trend boggles my mind. Here in NYC it is freezing, with temps in the single digits some days. We have had some snow and ice as well. The women (including me) are wearing puffer coats, boots, scarves, etc. and trying to look as fashionable as possible while keeping warm! Now imagine such an outfit worn with bare feet and flip flops or ballet flats. Am I the only one who thinks that looks ridiculous??? And forget looks for a second, aren't these people freezing? They can easily get frostbitten feet! If I tried this look, I wouldn't be able to move my feet after a few minutes, yet there they are, waiting for a bus or train for at least 10 minutes, as if it's July! What gives?

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Re: Bare Feet in Polar Vortex Temperatures

Maybe had a pedicure!!
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Re: Bare Feet in Polar Vortex Temperatures


Have seen this too,

I guess when they go to the ER with frostbite they will get a grip

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Re: Bare Feet in Polar Vortex Temperatures

There are people who love to be barefoot. (I'm not one of them.) My mother-in-law removed her shoes as soon as she got home no matter what the temperature. My sister-in-law wears shoes with no socks no matter what the temperature or the weather conditions.

I did see someone in flip flops last week during the sleet storm here. I don't get it.

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Re: Bare Feet in Polar Vortex Temperatures

Some people are not very smart.

It's their feet. If they want to freeze, so be it. Their feet their problem. As for me and my feet I will be wearing socks and shoes.

I also see some people in SHORTS here sometimes. Now, understand it doesn't get that cold here however I am talking about temps in the low to mid 40s and people are out wearing shorts.{#emotions_dlg.blink}

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Re: Bare Feet in Polar Vortex Temperatures

It's such a missed opportunity to wear cute boots!!!!
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Re: Bare Feet in Polar Vortex Temperatures

Brrrr -- I'm wearing socks or heavy tights with boots. It's like the gals on news and talk shows wearing sleeveless dresses in freezing temperatures. I know they are in studios, but I think it looks silly and inappropriate for the season.
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Re: Bare Feet in Polar Vortex Temperatures

They think they are fashionable.
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Re: Bare Feet in Polar Vortex Temperatures

Holy frostbite!

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Re: Bare Feet in Polar Vortex Temperatures

I haven't seen any bare feet here but Monday it was 23 & snowing all day. People were pumping gas & out walking in tee shirts. I had on Uggs, jacket, hat & gloves in my car!