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Appleseeds Catalog Has Some Cute Designs!

I got my Appleseeds catalog today!  So many tops, slacks, and other choices in beautiful colors!


You may injoy a stroll!!!

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Re: Appleseeds Catalog Has Some Cute Designs!

didn't Susan Graver have something to do with Appleseeds at some point?Smiley Surprised

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Re: Appleseeds Catalog Has Some Cute Designs!

I like Appleseed's clothes and have quite a few items from them.  But, I haven't bought anything lately because  a Tshirt I wanted was $13 shipping.  That's way too much.

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Re: Appleseeds Catalog Has Some Cute Designs!

@Winkk wrote:

I like Appleseed's clothes and have quite a few items from them.  But, I haven't bought anything lately because  a Tshirt I wanted was $13 shipping.  That's way too much.



It's as "hard as nails" to get just one item.  Almost everywhere has a SH threshold.

Put it in your cart for a few days and they might give you something; many sites will.

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Re: Appleseeds Catalog Has Some Cute Designs!

@alohakz wrote:

didn't Susan Graver have something to do with Appleseeds at some point?Smiley Surprised



I don't know.  I quit SG years ago.

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Re: Appleseeds Catalog Has Some Cute Designs!

Never bought from there,maybe there is some free shipping codes?

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Appleseeds Catalog Has Some Cute Designs!

I have many nice items I have acquired from them over the years. Great place to shop!

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Re: Appleseeds Catalog Has Some Cute Designs!

[ Edited ]

@ECBG, thanks for the info on Appleseeds!

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Appleseeds Catalog Has Some Cute Designs!

On the website it is free shipping over $99;  we know it does not take much merchandise to get the free shipping.  Here is a jacket I bought there 2 years ago.  I wear it with a white shell and a lacey white skirt. Hard to see all the intricate details. D21602_E720 (1).jpeg 




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Posts: 44,347
Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: Appleseeds Catalog Has Some Cute Designs!

@goldensrbest wrote:

Never bought from there,maybe there is some free shipping codes?



Like all sites, you have to search codes diligently. With Easter coming up you may be lucky!