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Anyone know of the designer and or name of the printed dress Jenna Bush of the Today

[ Edited ]

E7AE4E12-AFE7-4F84-8CF7-CB20547A8C4D.jpegShow is wearing today? My daughter in law loves the dress. 

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Re: Anyone know of the designer and or name of the printed dress Jenna Bush of the Today


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Re: Anyone know of the designer and or name of the printed dress Jenna Bush of the Today

@bonappetit - RU KIDDING?  

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Re: Anyone know of the designer and or name of the printed dress Jenna Bush of the Today

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Re: Anyone know of the designer and or name of the printed dress Jenna Bush of the Today

[ Edited ]

The dress is by Tanya shopyourtv, Today Show & there is a link to buy the dress. Good Luck @cottoncandi.

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Re: Anyone know of the designer and or name of the printed dress Jenna Bush of the Today

That picture is hilarious.  Her chin is huge.  Is it stretched sideways or something?  I like the dress, though, at least the part I can see.

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: Anyone know of the designer and or name of the printed dress Jenna Bush of the Today

@kitcat51 wrote:

The dress is by Tanya shopyourtv, Today Show & there is a link to buy the dress. Good Luck @cottoncandi.

Thanks @kitcat51 for posting the information.  I was unaware of the link and who know when it might come in handy.  Guess there really are no silly questions, just have o find the right person to ask.

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Re: Anyone know of the designer and or name of the printed dress Jenna Bush of the Today

@cottoncandi wrote:

E7AE4E12-AFE7-4F84-8CF7-CB20547A8C4D.jpegShow is wearing today? My daughter in law loves the dress. 

Your DDIL has great taste.  It's $695.00

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Posts: 85
Registered: ‎03-29-2012

Re: Anyone know of the designer and or name of the printed dress Jenna Bush of the Today

@kitcat51 Thank you for locating. As I was posting on here my daughter in law posted on another site and within a matter of minutes several people were able to respond to her post with the designer name and dress information. I didn't come back here until today. 


I had no idea where to search but knew some on this board usually do. Thank you so much for taking the time to look and post back here.

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Re: Anyone know of the designer and or name of the printed dress Jenna Bush of the Today

@mspatmac wrote:

@cottoncandi wrote:

E7AE4E12-AFE7-4F84-8CF7-CB20547A8C4D.jpegShow is wearing today? My daughter in law loves the dress. 

Your DDIL has great taste.  It's $695.00


I don't think that something being expensive automatically makes it "good taste'. Do you?