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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

@Sooner wrote:

@Texasmouse wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

Bothers me more when people do it about animals.  THAT bothers me.  They are animals.  Not people  They should be respected for being animals.  Not for being litle fake humans. 

But.. animals have genders too.

It doesn't just mean gender.  It means talking about them as if they are human--giving them human reasons for doing things.  Not treating them as dogs and cats.  Having them wear clothing, saying they are your "babies" etc. etc. 


I think they should be respected and cherished for being cats and dogs.  To me it takes something away from them to try to make them human.  It is disrespectful of their nature. 

Well, I have a differing opinion. Hope that is allowed.

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

Doesn't bother me any more than it does when boats are called she and cars have names, etc.


I do remember years ago when I was studying German, it took a while to get used to the der, die, and das articles which are gender specific, but the nouns they point to aren't necessarily the gender of the article itself.  Now THAT felt strange to me.

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing


Ok, I gotcha. And I agree with you, 100%. I thought you meant that we should refer to animals (including pets) as "it" rather than"he" or "she" when they actually do have genders. But yes, I am of the same mindset as far as treating animals as though they are humans. It's wrong and disrespectful to an animal, just as it would be wrong for a person to be treated as an animal!

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing


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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

@millieshops I don't refer to boats and cars as "she," so that strikes me as odd, too.  Loved your reply for the interesting perspective--I didn't know that about the German lanuage.  Other than the couple of snarky replies, I've enjoyed this topic for the variety of interesting replies--from German to animals and more.

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

It doesn't bother me.  

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

[ Edited ]

I thought this thread was about the store Anthropologie. I learned a new word today.

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

@Desertdi wrote:

If we spoke a Romance language, everything would be either a he or she.

but we don't , we use English

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

@JaneyD wrote:

Does anyone else out there find it disconcerting when folks refer to an item of clothing or something like a handbag as "she"?  Makes me shudder.  Also makes me want to shop less.  It just feels really unhealthy to me to be referring to THINGS as "she."  I just can't find it at all cute.

yes it's annoying and affected, just describe the item you are selling please

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

Lol, new word to me also, not sure I can even pronounce it!