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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

@JaneyD wrote:

Does anyone else out there find it disconcerting when folks refer to an item of clothing or something like a handbag as "she"?  Makes me shudder.  Also makes me want to shop less.  It just feels really unhealthy to me to be referring to THINGS as "she."  I just can't find it at all cute.

New nic, old topic.

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

Personnally, I hate it--but I don't lose sleep over it.😺

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

I don't watch Q live much anymore, but I have heard them use "she" and "her" to describe items. It's a bit silly IMO, and I would never do it, but it doesn't bother me. Btw I don't call my car "she" either.

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

@wilma wrote:

I don't watch Q live much anymore, but I have heard them use "she" and "her" to describe items. It's a bit silly IMO, and I would never do it, but it doesn't bother me. Btw I don't call my car "she" either.

Some people even NAME their car.  I never did get that!

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

it doesnt bother me at all.

if you enjoy calling an inanimate object a "she" or "he" then go for it. Smiley Happy

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

Lol @Texasmouse I love you!
And as for the original question yes it slightly irritates me and yes I have more important things to worry about ...but that's not what we're here for is it?
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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

@Desertdi, gold star for you.  Referring to vessels as she is rooted in romance languages and adopted by English speakers.  


I still find it a bit silly to refer to clothing and handbags as she, but it is something I can ignore. 

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

If I recall correctly, calling clothing "she" (on QVC) can be attributed to Isaac Mizrahi.  If that is his quirky designer lingo, I'm good with it.


It is only when someone chooses to "copy" another, it appears pilfered and contrived. 


This can be said for "on the day" as well.  Unless one is British, just stop.   

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Re: Anthropomorphization of clothing

@JaneyD wrote:

Does anyone else out there find it disconcerting when folks refer to an item of clothing or something like a handbag as "she"?  Makes me shudder.  Also makes me want to shop less.  It just feels really unhealthy to me to be referring to THINGS as "she."  I just can't find it at all cute.

Yes, many must find it disconcerting because there have been many threads on this, esp. in the LOGO subforum since Lori Goldstein refers to clothing as "she."  Yep, have discussed it many times.