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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 8/18



Love the va va voom dress! Love that it requires no special underpinnings and that it fits as though made for you!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 8/18

@lolakimono. I am so sorry to read about the horrible work situation you find yourself.  This happy event has turned into a nightmare.  Hopefully things will only improve.

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 8/18

@Justice4all alerted me to these Warhol cat tees at uniqlo, if you didn't see them on the Quirky... thread.

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 8/18


How did that white lace jacket (from Macy's) that Pat wore on the Q turn out for you?

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 8/18

@lolakimono Good morning! I have been on the forums for only a few months so I'm starting to get to know some of the posters. You've been talking about your move to another school. What do you teach? I teach 3rd grade and am starting my 31st (yikes!) year. Thankfully, most people say I haven't aged a bit. 😊

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 8/18

@gmkb wrote:

@lolakimono. I am so sorry to read about the horrible work situation you find yourself.  This happy event has turned into a nightmare.  Hopefully things will only improve.


Thank you.  We have an office that is pretty big.  It is totally Brady Bunch, with avocado green, rust, and essence of must/mold.


I ordered this, as a departmental candy dish.

Jungle Bath Canister Green - Kassatex® : Target

It does not hold that much, which is fine, but I also stocked up on Dove chocolates (a BIG bag) at Amazon.

Chocolate makes everything better.  Heart

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 8/18



It fits beautifully! I am looking forward to taking it with us to PA! Thanks!


What I love: raw-edged seams yet with lace; so upscale/downscale vibe makes it versatile;


you guys won’t believe, but for years I never owned a wearable tank top👀


so, this summer I bought all-cotton knit GAP (soft and perfect fit) in all colors (basic) plus long all-in-one bra tanks (from AMAZON.)

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 8/18

@Lisa Y

I teach world languages (Spanish), but I might be getting in touch with my basic knowledge of French while my teacher is out, LOL.


I am moving from the best MS in the district to one of the more undesirable HS in the district.  This is where they place all of the first year teachers and non-certified career changers.  I am moving for two reasons: to be department chair and to teach AP and upper level Spanish.  


There is definitely the saying of the haves vs. the have nots.  Here it is the have nothings.  No one is there, because it's summer, but also I think people absolutely do not come in unless they are being paid to do so.  There is no AC in the summer, except in the main areas, so who wants to work in 90+ temps with 90%+ humidity?


The school is a compound, and much of it is like 100 years old, so it is pretty decrepit.  It is a maze of buildings and doors.  I go in one door, go up sets of stairs, and find myself in a totally different area of the building.  I have taken many "unplanned" tours, LOL, almost like Alice in Wonderland.  I did meet the Media Specialist, who was the first helpful person I've met, and she showed me the "secret" business site for ordering supplies with much better prices.  All I got done yesterday during my half day was inventorying/filling out acceptable use agreements for 8 digital recorders (that should have been done years ago), scanning and sending them to my coordinator, completing an order for some "get us started" supplies (hopefully it will be approved) and finding the one copier that actually worked.  


Supposedly there is ONE tech person for all of the campus, and he doesn't come back until the teachers do on Thursday.  I also found out that they wiped my documents out with the transfer to the new school.  Most everything is backed up on my external drive, but now it's going to be a PITA to locate everything if I am floating in different classrooms.


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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 8/18

Good Morning and Good God @lolakimono  I just read the update early in this thread.  Wow, I hope you are getting more money aka hazard pay for this.  

There are times when you must speak, not because you are going to change the opposing side, but because if you do not speak, they have changed you.
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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 8/18

@Bird mama

DCs, at the principal's discretion, can work an additional five days per school year.  He suggested that if I wanted to do five, I could do three now and two at the end, when we do room checkouts and textbook inventory.  They are per diem, so it's about the same as a day of subbing (abysmal).


I went to a training two weeks ago, where someone else suggested that DCs do not get paid the additional $ unless they have taken part 1 & part 2 of some "leadership" course.  I had to take one leadership course (45 hours of work over 4 face to face days and the rest of the work was online) and that course I had to pay for.  The one they talked about is another course.  You would think there would be a manual or training for this, as I cannot be the only person who is changing schools to be a DC.  When in doubt, the message for new teachers is always "ask your DC." 
