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A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 5/21

Good Morning Style Sisters!

We are having a heatwave today.


What is new and fashionable in your life?

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 5/21



Good morning! It is really good to see you!


I'm thinking and not quite awake yet.

How is school going?

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 5/21

Good Morning all


mulling over the TS but not sure how that pump will be

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎08-28-2010

Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 5/21

New. ?  It's Saturday day off more week until school is over, yeah .

One of the most difficult school years for so many. Hugs all around to all of us Teachers, staff, School counselors , Admin, custodians, nurses, everyone that kept the schools open ! Yeah! 

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Registered: ‎03-29-2012

Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 5/21

@LTT1 wrote:



Good morning! It is really good to see you!


I'm thinking and not quite awake yet.

How is school going?


It's testing season and graduation rehearsal.


'Nuff said.

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Posts: 42,227
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 5/21

Good Morning everyone.  I got my Moderna booster on Monday and geez did that shot work me over.  A tornado ripped through Michigan yesterday and did a number on Gaylord (up north).  I've used my new A/C twice, that thing is powerful.  



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 36,580
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 5/21

@jackthebear @lolakimono @happycatlady 


I have started using a body butter. And it has a pump too.

My skin REALLY needs usual.


It's good to see a normal Saturday and it's Leah.

There was a fashion at the very beginning named after her!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Posts: 54,451
Registered: ‎03-29-2012

Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 5/21

In April we had BF's nephew's bar mitzvah.


This week I had two scholarship events- one on Monday evening and our senior awards on Wednesday.


We have two new babies in the family, so there will be baby namings.


I have graduation to attend.


Many dresses in just two months!


I have been searching out some NWT items from Shopgoodwill and Poshmark.  I am adding a few items that would also be fine for "career" wear, in case I get one of these jobs that I've been steadfastly applying to since January.  I had a third interview on Tuesday and I should know more by the end of next week.


I'll post my finds as I go through them.

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Posts: 54,451
Registered: ‎03-29-2012

Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 5/21

From Shopgoodwill-


I've listed the purchase price of the NWT items.  Of course, there is S/H too, but I figure it's supporting a good cause.


Ann Taylor, $9.91



Dylan Gray- $6.99


Cupcakes & Cashmere- $16 (this and the DG were from the same location, so I was able to get reduced S/H)


Lauren Ralph Lauren-$17



Notations- $2.99 (lined!)


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Posts: 42,227
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 5/21

Very pretty @lolakimono 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise