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A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00 3/5

Good Morning


it's Fashion days ,  


are we ready?

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00 3/5

Zara very Pucci-esqueImage 5 of PRINTED WIDE LEG PANTS from Zara

some really nice clothes at Zara this week,  as I said before real clothes are coming back, and despite what Q offers tie-dye not anywhere

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Re: A.M. Style Live gChat, 7:00 3/5

Good morning ladies 


Leah looks great her outfit 

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Re: A.M. Style Live gChat, 7:00 3/5

Good Morning everyone, hitting 70degrees here today and tomorrow. Spring is here for a couple of days at least. Still a bit early to be this warm but this sliding up and down the thermometer is very typical here. But it gives us a taste of all things goods coming our way. Crocuses & snow drops are opening in the front yard. Winter aconites going strong now too with their lovely petite yellow blossoms. 


While it was the fifth Thursday we had to be out early mirning, we had NO precipitation going on, nothing on the ground, no snow, no ice, no rain, it wasn't even cold out, best thing it was actually light outside. Spring hasn't forgotten us, it is on the way. I love this season!

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00 3/5

With my 7,000th post I say good morning Style Sisters ... my, my ... where has the time gone?


It's supposed to be near 70 here today, too ... but with rain and clouds, so no outdoors for me.  

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00 3/5

Good Morning and happy 7,000th post Sox.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: A.M. Style Live gChat, 7:00 3/5

[ Edited ]

28 degrees in Jersey right now, but, 70's coming for Sunday and Monday along with rain and wind!

Leah looks very nice this morning, enjoy the show,


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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00 3/5

Good Morning Everyone!

Leah wears denim on denim very well.  I like it!

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00 3/5

@jackthebear @Caaareful Shopper @meallen616 @Bird mama @SoX 



good morning!

So, it's Fashion Days? 

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Posts: 42,223
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00 3/5

We're expecting mid 50's today and 60 tomorrow.  I caught some of the local news early this morning and we'll be under and wind advisory from 4 am until 2 pm tomorrow - winds gusts near 60 mph.  Between you and me I'd rather have the cold and no wind.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise