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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat- 1/10

Have a nice week everyone! Those of you in snowy places, stay safe.

~ house cat ~
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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat- 1/10

On 1/10/2015 Lyn08 said:
On 1/10/2015 Favorite Son said:
On 1/10/2015 Lyn08 said:

I am following an on-line "January Cure", and I'm sure one of the projects will be to go through my closets.

I took a quick look at that last week, with an intent to return to it today. It looks more logical than that somewhat ruthless "minimalist" blog written by those two guys who were mentioned over on the beauty boards last week.

I am still following the 30 day KITCHN Cure tasks. I did the big KITCHN Cure, and now I just follow the daily tasks, to keep my kitchen clean and organized.

My big thing is that I love clothes, and I have a hard time getting rid of things. Now that I'm no longer working, I don't need all these suit jackets, etc. I dress a lot more casually than I did before (but not sloppy). I like tops and sweaters more than structured clothes. I took some things to consignment, and when I checked back, she hadn't sold anything. So I plan to take some of these unsold items to another consignment shop, and donate the rest.

please post links to these "cures" thanks

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat- 1/10

Late to the thread, but I did not like the new Logo top. I love new, fresh designs but the side tie looked too much like toilet paper or something from a baby shower favor to me. I would really have liked the top if it was plain or just rouched on the side.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: A.M. Style Live Chat- 1/10

On 1/10/2015 Jova said:

Late to the thread, but I did not like the new Logo top. I love new, fresh designs but the side tie looked too much like toilet paper or something from a baby shower favor to me. I would really have liked the top if it was plain or just rouched on the side.

Jova, you nailed it {#emotions_dlg.laugh}. I could not put my finger on what is was about that top that put me off - it did look like somebody didn't drop the TP in the toilet.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise