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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

I have the "Academy" students that I am assigned to mentor.  They are in an "Academy" to get them to promote to the 9th grade.


I was assigned a girl who is a bit "tuff" and one day 1 DID show up to the meeting after my constant texting (my other two I was assigned to did NOT).  She started with a bit of a "tude" and I set her straight and we got down to work.  She had a 16% in her science class, as well as other failures, and she has been bringing them up.  She thinks that her science teacher has a "smart mouth" so she doesn't want to do the work for her.  I explained by not doing the work she was not "punishing" the teacher but rather setting herself up for summer school.


We spent HOURS (beyond the time I was supposed to work with her) and she got it up to a 56%.  She texted me yesterday AND left me a voicemail because she wants to do the rest of the work and needs my help.  This was Friday afternoon, two days after the marking period ended.  Then she suggested that we meet today. I reminded her that it was SATURDAY and that it was a bit "extra" but if she wanted to get the work done I would see what I could do.


Knowing that I watch AMS, when she texted "what time?" I said 10:00 and she responded "I'll let you know."


Well then.



The reason that she is so "tuff" (as I found out from a conversation on day 2 when I heard someone hollering at her to get the living room vacuumed like she was supposed to have done the day before) is that she is living with grandma. 



Her mom died in 2011 and her dad died in 2015.

So she has experienced trauma and is trying to perform in school during a pandemic living with grandma, who probably didn't sign up for this arrangement.


At least we're getting somewhere.  

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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021



I go for my second Moderna on April 26th.


Lord has this been a journey.


WOW! It really has. I found a couple people appointments and it was a miracle that I found one for both my husband and me at the Macomb Health Department back in late February. I would refresh hundreds of times on their appointment page and bam....after 5 weeks of that I finally got lucky. So we are both totally vaccinated with Pfizer now. I'm still nervous though and being just as careful as I always was. 


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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

I'm considering this sandal from spring step (directly).  It's on sale for 39.95 - Patrizia Brooklyn Quarter Strap




I also like these loafers - Clair.  Supposed to be olive/multi







There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

@Bird mama wrote:

@Snicks1  It was really moving for me to sit in the car and watch such a diverse group of people arriving for their vaccines.  I got there early because I knew my sister was leaving work to get the shot and would be going back.  I saw husbands and wives, mothers and daughters, elderly people with mobility issue.  All age ranges, races and ethnicities gathered for one purpose.  It was like the floodgates opened Woman Embarassed

I felt very emotional when I got mine too. This to me seems so miraculous -- finally.

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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

@BriggsiePeawiggle  I doubt I will change anything after I get my second vaccination.  We have too many variants in the state.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

[ Edited ]

@Bird mama wrote:

@BriggsiePeawiggle  I doubt I will change anything after I get my second vaccination.  We have too many variants in the state.

And to me, being very careful (and maybe some school pauses) will get us through this mess finally.Heart


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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

[ Edited ]

@Bird mama, hubby, myself, both daughters got/getting Pfizer, brother got Moderna. Hubby nor I had any side effects at all. Oldest daughter had several issues for a few days afterward, brother had none from his first Moderna shot, I will be checking with him today to see how he is feeling. The youngest daughter will let me know how she is doing tomorrow. Two of my grand have managed to get their shots, by being quick to respond when shots came up at the last minute due to no-shows, so now that it is opened up more, I am hoping the rest can get shots scheduled. I really want us all to be able to get together later on this summer. It's been way too long.

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

My other shopping excitement was the in store (home depot) purchase of 2 pairs of pruners and some loppers Woman Wink  Before I went in, I checked the home depot site for my local store and noted the aisle and bay for the items that I wanted to buy.  I was in and out like a shot.


I kind of miss browsing home depot.  Oh well, in good time.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

[ Edited ]

Yea I haven't in person visited with my nieces and their families since March 2020 @Snicks1   It's funny, I was on the phone with my sister a week ago Friday and on a lark I checked CVS' site.  I said, hey, there's pfizer appointments in Grosse Pointe for Monday (4-12), you wanna go early instead of the senior center appointment on the 16th.  She told me she had just talked to my youngest niece who was having a hard time getting a vaccine.  I said - gotta go and hung up on my sister.  I called Amber and she said Hi Aunt Bernie.  I said small talk later, you want the Pfizer on Monday?  Mind you she just moved way out like eldest niece.  She said what?  I said the Pfizer on Monday, Grosse Pointe - you willing to drive that far?  


CVS took it to another level when I checked off she had insurance and I was asking for her email, her blue cross information.  Poor kid was kind of shell shocked.  In the short time it took me to register her more than half the appointments were gone.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021


You have miles and miles and miles of heart