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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

@Snicks1  It was really moving for me to sit in the car and watch such a diverse group of people arriving for their vaccines.  I got there early because I knew my sister was leaving work to get the shot and would be going back.  I saw husbands and wives, mothers and daughters, elderly people with mobility issue.  All age ranges, races and ethnicities gathered for one purpose.  It was like the floodgates opened Woman Embarassed

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

@Bird mama 

I got my 2nd Moderna dose the Wed. p.m. before Easter and I was running on empty through Sunday.  I felt unwell and tired, but also unable to sleep it off during the day.

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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

IMO, this looks like a scrub top.

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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

@lolakimono  from the Pfizer front.... eldest niece said she had a headache after first dose and said it could have been from the kids.  She's doing the homeschooling of 2 while working remotely.  Second dose laid her out day after with fever; she was a bit fatigued day after that.


Eldest niece husband - had vivid dreams after first dose, said it could have been what he ate that day.


Youngest niece - got nauseous and chills 6 hours after first dose.  Given that she just had an infected tooth extracted the week prior (without benefit of antibiotics as dentist didn't feel it was needed - I'd be kicking that witch to the curb) I think her immune system was already under duress.


My sister has nothing but a sore arm (at this time).


My dentist had Moderna and once she knew I received my first dose, she finally shared her experience with me.  Prince fans will  understand the lyric reference 'Hold onto yo wigs' Woman LOL  I'm prepared to feel tore up from the floor up.  My one prayer is please God don't let me get sick to my stomach.  I don't care if I get a fever so high I start seeing things - I've done that before.  I can take pain too.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

Yea, I see your point.  I thought about picking it up in the green but maybe not now @lolakimono 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

I like those sandals @SoX 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

@LTT1 wrote:

You would think they would be Johnny-on-the-spot getting it done today.. you know how they love to sell cars!


Right, but we can't work on the financing if the bank isn't open. Smiley Happy  There is a terrible shortage of cars today. I took this color because it was what was available and was my third choice -- but now that I've seen it, I think it would've been my first choice. So I'm really happy with it. The salesman is a former student of my husband, and very willing to help us get a great deal -- so I'm just going with the flow. Smiley Happy

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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

@Bird mama wrote:

@BriggsiePeawiggle   Good to see you here.  We got it going on in Michigan right now don't we?

Thanks for the welcome back. Yes, Michigan is a huge mess right now. I keep  hoping -- and I got vaccinated back in late Feb. at the Macomb Health Department over near the county jail. So did the hubs. So we are completely vaccinated now, but I still worry and we are still being just as careful as we were.


Hope you are doing well!

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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

I love that jacket, Birdmama.



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Re: 😽 A.M. Style Chat, 7:00 4-17-2021

@Bird mama wrote:

I like those sandals @SoX 



@Bird mama 


I actually thought about you when I first saw them Woman Happy ... they'll go well with your pink blush jacket, too!