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Registered: ‎02-08-2015

4 Items that helped you stay warm at home this winter?

Hi everyone

Having a boring sunday evening specially when its 2 degrees here in New York and you just dont feel like going out.

So what 3 Items helped you stay warm at home this winter?

Here is my unsual list:

1. Insulated Thermal long socks - From QVC: A259642

/></a></p> <p> </p> <p><a rel= 2. Soft Chenille Robe - From Bath & Robes

/></a></p> <p> </p> <p>3. Nespresso from Bestbuy</p> <p><img src=

4. Hot watter bottle (My love <3)

/></p> <p> </p> <p>Would love to see everyones crazy list! <img src=

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Re: 4 Items that helped you stay warm at home this winter?

Fireplace or space heater depending where I'm sitting;

Long underwear;

Hot coffee;

Fisherman sweater and hunter's socks.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: 4 Items that helped you stay warm at home this winter?

Hot tea and coffee

Warm fuzzy leopard look slippers

Wool throw

(ready for cold nights) down comforter

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Re: 4 Items that helped you stay warm at home this winter?

Thermostat set at 70 degrees.

Nice red bathrobe from JCP Adonna Collection from several years ago.

Twinings Chai tea Chai

My nice red jammies with white small dots from Macy's.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: 4 Items that helped you stay warm at home this winter?

Rebecs, thank you so much, my feet are always so cold at night and I have never seen these socks on the Q! I ordered a pair immediately!!!

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎02-08-2015

Re: 4 Items that helped you stay warm at home this winter?

On 2/8/2015 colliegirls said:

Rebecs, thank you so much, my feet are always so cold at night and I have never seen these socks on the Q! I ordered a pair immediately!!!

I'm glad I could help. A pair of thermal socks with coffee will do you wonders!

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Re: 4 Items that helped you stay warm at home this winter?

I keep the thermostat at 62 at night (oil heat).

Dura Flame stove in tv room

Bed Buddy (heated in the mircowave) for arthritic cold hands

Dennis Basso mink throw

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Re: 4 Items that helped you stay warm at home this winter?

I wear Uggs around the house (without sock) Then Socks to bed with Dilonghi heater

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Re: 4 Items that helped you stay warm at home this winter?

All of the above plus Scotch.
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Re: 4 Items that helped you stay warm at home this winter?

Wool socks knitted for me by my mom (warm & soft!) Fleece throw from Kohls (they sell them every Black Friday for $15.00) Chenille blanket for bed crocheted by my mom (heavenly!) My cats all piling on when I'm on the couch or bed :-D