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iPhone apps for travel in Barcelona, Spain/Europe

Wondering if anyone has any recommendations for apps for travel in Spain?  My BIL is going and will be taking his iPhone.  He has one for the metro.  Any others you could recommend?  TIA.  LM

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Re: iPhone apps for travel in Barcelona, Spain/Europe

@Lilysmom If you don't get some suggestions, you might post the same question on the Travel Chat thread in the Among Friends Forum. I know there are some posters there who have gone to Spain. Can't think of the posters names right off the top of my head, but if I think of them, I will let you know. Smiley Happy

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Re: iPhone apps for travel in Barcelona, Spain/Europe

[ Edited ]

@World Traveler, great idea!  Thanks.  LM


Cross posted in Travel Chat, Among Friends.

Posts: 45
Registered: ‎05-01-2012

Re: iPhone apps for travel in Barcelona, Spain/Europe

A translator app if you don't speak Spanish or  Catalon

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Re: iPhone apps for travel in Barcelona, Spain/Europe

A money app.

I like going to YouTube for answers.


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Re: iPhone apps for travel in Barcelona, Spain/Europe

@Lilysmom wrote:

Wondering if anyone has any recommendations for apps for travel in Spain?  My BIL is going and will be taking his iPhone.  He has one for the metro.  Any others you could recommend?  TIA.  LM

I haven't been to Spain but, I've done a lot of traveling the past few years.  Map and GPS apps are essential.  I also have a translate app. 

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Re: iPhone apps for travel in Barcelona, Spain/Europe

@glb613@Nuttmeg@Debra Nugent@World Traveler, the currency app is a good one.  Anyone have a good translator app recommendation.  Will google as well.  Thanks!  LM

Posts: 45
Registered: ‎05-01-2012

Re: iPhone apps for travel in Barcelona, Spain/Europe

@Lilysmom I like google translate.

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Re: iPhone apps for travel in Barcelona, Spain/Europe

I have to ask, why do you need a currency app?  While you're in a country, you're at the mercy of the current rate, period.  You shouldn't exchange money at your hotel because their rates are terrible.  But when you go to a bank or a ATM, you take what you get.  I can't imagine traveling from ATM to ATM looking for a better rate.  I must be missiing something. 

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Re: iPhone apps for travel in Barcelona, Spain/Europe

@glb613, good morning.  I would use the currency app to price items while shopping.  LM