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Forgive the dumb question, but I'm not a techie!  I keep getting a pop-up saying my Flash player needs to be updated.  I use a MacBook Pro.  Is it safe to do the update from the link I'm getting?  (Sorry for the dumb question.)

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Never owned anything with an "i", but thumb drives (guess mac uses "flash player") on computers use either SD or Mini SD cards. I update my windows computer each time it needs it and never had a problem.


Best wait till some iMac user replies to this as I know zip about anything made by apple.





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@Krimpette   I'm on your level of knowledge but I do know to never trust a "pop-up". Never click on it.  If something needs to be done go directly to the source.

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@Krimpette   I have a MacBook Air and never click on any pop-ups except the flash player updates.  They always look exactly the same and have been safe for me.  I just updated the other day.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Go to....


System Preferences>Flash Player (Icon)>UpdatesScreen Shot 2019-10-01 at Tue, Oct 1, 2019-12.48.29 PM.png

Click on the "Check Now" buttons



"(Sorry for the dumb question.)"

The only dumb questions are the ones never asked.



"I'm not a techie!"

You should make it your business to learn about your expensive piece of equipment that you paid for w/hard earned $$$.  There are numerous non-techy tutorials - text &/or videos out there.


*stepping off soap box*



"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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NO, NO, NO. The pop up is a scam. Follow the advice from MZ and update in your settings

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Posts: 16,837
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Flash player question

[ Edited ]

@Mindy D wrote:

NO, NO, NO. The pop up is a scam. Follow the advice from MZ and update in your settings



@Mindy D   The flash player pop up that I get on my MacBook Air is not a scam.  Apple told me about it when I bought my first MacBook Air about eight years ago.  It is the only pop up I would ever click on, but I do it every time.  It's legit.  Following MZ's advice would work, too, but the pop up itself is not a scam.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau