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I'm using my tablet to ask why when I try to access QVC forums on my computer I get a 403 error code. It was fine earlier then I had to do some kind of upgrade. It's odd because I can get into the QVC page and look around. It only seems to be the forums I can't access.
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More info needed.  What browser are you using?  Did you try refreshing the page, clearing cache, history, cookies?  That usually works for me.  Try a different browser if that doesn't work.

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@PinkyPetunia , thanks for the info. After trying for an hour to access with Chrome, I just figured I'd try again and, voila, it's now okay. BTW, I never thought to try another browser as Chrome is the only one I use. I'll hopefully remember if it happens again. 

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@catter70.  I use Chrome all the time and I've never had that error code or trouble getting to the forums using QVC.COM.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I use EDGE...and only get a warning if something is suspected to be pfishing...

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