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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

The Galaxy S4 has a lot of "add on" features that I wouldn't have used. I suggest either go with the S5 coming out tomorrow or the S3, which had been really reduced in price because of the release of the S5. I have had my S3 for over 2 years and love it - has worked without any problems, until recently. Both my sons, computer programmers, have S3 phones and don't plan on getting the S5 right away. Since I have the option to get a discount on the S5, I went with it, otherwise I would have replaced it with the S3.

I have an iPad Air and because of the syncing issue, I thought I needed an iPhone, so I got the iPhone 5s. Returned it after 5 days - screen too small, keyboard too small, couldn't customize the ringtone, couldn't customize the wallpaper, couldn't customize home page, missed Swype. I will say if you're not interested in doing a lot of customizing on your phone and want to be sure that the apps you download work on your phone, an iPhone would be more simple to set up and use.

There is a Google app for your iPad that will sync your Google accounts between your Android phone and iPad - that includes your email, calendar, photos, etc. That's works great for me. What I put on my PC shows up on my Android phone and my Apple iPad. I don't have music on my phone, but there are ways of syncing your music and iTunes account between your iPad and Android phone as well.

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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

iPhone all the way. Apple just has far superior products.

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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

I have the iPhone 5c and love it. It's been updated a couple of time since I bought it. I can't remember exactly why, but I didn't care for the Galaxy. It may have been the size.

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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

On 4/6/2014 nutmeg3 said:
On 4/6/2014 PalmTree11 said:
On 4/6/2014 amyb said: Also what's the dif between Galaxy Note vs is just the latest version of similar phone? Which is latest/best? Reviews seem good on both. Basically I'm a smartphone newbie so it will all be a learning curve, but also the "fine-tuned" details probably will go unnoticed for now..

Note is different from Galaxy. The note is more of a "phablet"- phone/tablet, due to size. The Galaxy isn't as large as the Note. It's not a matter of one being the latest version, they are two separate lines under the Samsung brand. The newest Note, the Note 3, came out in the fall. The newest Galaxy, the S5, comes out Friday.

There are a few more differences between the devices. The note has 32GB of storage and 3GB of RAM. The biggest selling feature is the S-Pen.

Thanks for adding Nutmeg Smiley Happy Do you mind me asking which phone you have and how you like it?

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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

I'll choose the number 1 system any time and that would be an Android smart phone and more than likely were I ever to think I needed one of these things, it would be a Samsung.

Posts: 57
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

Okie bug..I have had the iPhone 5s for 3 months, my first smartphone, and even I was able to customize my ringtone, wallpaper, etc. Yes, I am still learning.,and I did buy a book to help me get the most use out of it, and I LOVE the fact that I can sync my iPad with my iPhone! I also thought that since I am used to having an iPad, my "learning curve" would be less than if I went with the Samsung, I hope someday Apple does come out with a bigger screen, that is the only thing that I would have changed. And, my sons and there families have iPhones, so, it is just a whole lot easier to FaceTime when we all have the same operating system. even my hubby who claims he is "fine " with his "dumb phone", and swore he never wanted a smartphone, is thinking of getting an iPhone! go with what works best for you..even though I loved the bigger screen on other phones, I love the ability to sync to the iPad, and have easy FaceTime with my kids and Grandkids who are not nearby.
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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

glinda, could you download a song, sample it, size it to the right length for a ringtone? The Apple instructor said I couldn't do that. I know my DIL and her mother use facetime daily and it has been wonderful for them especially since they are 7,000 miles apart and even more so after her father died. However, no one else in my family has Apple products.

I apologize if I made some misstatements about the iPhone - it was my personal experience and what I was told I would be able to do at the Apple store. I have no doubt Apple makes good products and am glad they work for you. Since I have always had Blackberry or Android, I just wasn't happy with the differences and went back to what I was comfortable with.

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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

On 4/6/2014 PalmTree11 said:
On 4/6/2014 nutmeg3 said:
On 4/6/2014 PalmTree11 said:
On 4/6/2014 amyb said: Also what's the dif between Galaxy Note vs is just the latest version of similar phone? Which is latest/best? Reviews seem good on both. Basically I'm a smartphone newbie so it will all be a learning curve, but also the "fine-tuned" details probably will go unnoticed for now..

Note is different from Galaxy. The note is more of a "phablet"- phone/tablet, due to size. The Galaxy isn't as large as the Note. It's not a matter of one being the latest version, they are two separate lines under the Samsung brand. The newest Note, the Note 3, came out in the fall. The newest Galaxy, the S5, comes out Friday.

There are a few more differences between the devices. The note has 32GB of storage and 3GB of RAM. The biggest selling feature is the S-Pen.

Thanks for adding Nutmeg Smiley Happy Do you mind me asking which phone you have and how you like it?

I have an Samsung S4. I brought this phone last summer. Today, I would buy the S5, because the apps in a phone update often, and you need a new version of Android. The display is easy to read, and nice for sending texts or making calls. When I am out and about this phone is my little computer. The only thing I have trouble viewing is web pages. Samsung makes some very nice quality tablets and smartphones.

When I am buying a device I use Cnet , and YouTube reviews. On YouTube I found the Android Authority, and MKB HD videos to be good. In the end, you have to be happy with your new phone. Go into a phone store and take a test drive.

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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

Thanks for all who answered! I just now got the chance to read through them all fully. To whoever asked above why I wasn't considering S5...only because I had just come from the V. store, only then found out the S5 was coming out the next week and he said that possibly there'd be a better deal next wk. on the S4. With the S4 getting such great reviews and it being my first smartphone, I simply figured if the price was right I'd be just as happy with it. That said, I waited the week to see and have to go back to Verizon now...I might as well consider S5 when I go back. My only question on that is sometimes the new ones need kinks worked out, sometimes they are not necessarily better, and S4 already has the great reputation, no? ****** Also, re: synching with bf travels for business and we Facetime a lot...does Samsung have anything like Facetime or is that only an Apple thing? Also the points you make about friends' phones...almost everyone I know has iPhones, except bf who has Blackberry and will be getting Nokia next. Does it really matter other than for Facetime? Didn't really want a bigger phone, but love the look of the big screen now. Still leaning toward Samsung because of great reviews, and I trust the brand. People seem to love both, whichever they own. Never heard anyone say I hate my iPhone...but I have heard many say they didn't like the new OS. I love my ipad but still leaning toward SS. I did go to You Tube (I think it was Android Authority) to watch reviews...will have to see what they say about S5. Meantime if >>>>>>>anyone gets an S5 and wants to post here, appreciated. I will be buying something within this week, just waiting til I have time to got to Verizon again! Thanks again for all the input!
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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

Oh ps. my question about FT is confusing and I FT on iPads anyway...because he does not have an iPhone. However, I am just curious if Samsung phones have any other version of a Skype or FT thing? Maybe Skype app? Just wondering. ****and also pps. to whoever above said about less learning curve with iPhone...yes, I considered that (I hate the idea of a learning curve, just to simply have a phone and want to make calls!)...that because of my iPad I'd have less learning curve...but hearing SS is easy, and because I seem to want that phone more for some reason, I didn't thing it'd be a deal breaker.