Posts: 47
Registered: ‎12-13-2017

What is going on with the new User Unfriendly Wish List changes.....

 Who ever created and  okayed the Wish List changes should be fired! There is nothing user friendly about this feature. Firstly there are no item numbers of the items on the list. Secondly there is no remove buttom and with a maximum limit of allowed items on the list that is a pretty important feature to leave off. Thirdly, if you click on the item name you are taken to a page where only the quantity or color can be changed. No other information is on the page. So, if you want to refresh yourself on the description of measurements of an item you have to go back to Search and type in the name of the item and you will be taken to the original ordering screen with all the informaion for the item.  (remember item number has been removed from Wish List overview so complete title will have to be typed in Search). How is going through several screen and having condensed information on some screens more user friendly?! Even from the Wish List if an item is clicked on only 1 screen should come up and every thing you want to know about the item's description and any changes wanting to be made should be able to done all at one time and in one place, save back to Wish List or place the order. Going from a 1 step procedure to a 2-3 step procedure is not improving the process and certainly is NOT user friendly. Who within QVC thinks this is an upgrade change? When I called customer service and the rep could not even walk me through how to now delete an item off the Wish List says it all!! I get the same canned answer, 'I will pass it along to the appropiate department'. I will not hold my breath!

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Re: What is going on with the new User Unfriendly Wish List changes.....

Just click on the "X" in the upper righthand corner to delete the item. HTH

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Re: What is going on with the new User Unfriendly Wish List changes.....

The new wish list feature is a hot mess. I've been trying to delete something from my wish list for several days now. Every time I click on the x to delete it, I get a message that says "We're sorry, wish list is currently unavailable. Please try again later." 


Posts: 47
Registered: ‎12-13-2017

Re: What is going on with the new User Unfriendly Wish List changes.....

I would love to, if it worked!!!

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Re: What is going on with the new User Unfriendly Wish List changes.....

QVC IT Department has nothing better to do then frustrate the customers. I have tried to delete items and I get the same message. What a bad idea and imp!ementing the new program was a complete failure.

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Re: What is going on with the new User Unfriendly Wish List changes.....

I just went into my wish list & I agree it “sucks” .... I tried to delete an item & got the message that the wish list is not available ... so sad for a company as large as QVC to have such BAD IT people working on their systems ... a lot of big companies source out their IT work to foreign countries & that is where the problems arise ... different time zones & language differences cause numerous problems plus the QVC analysts are not checking the changes before they are put on the web site for the customers to use ... so sad!

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Re: What is going on with the new User Unfriendly Wish List changes.....

[ Edited ]

Can’t view product details from wish list.


Can’t look at reviews.


Can’t see if other colors or sizes are available.



***** If you happen to forward your wish to someone hint, hint, the

ITEM # is not even shown.


Not a happy camper.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: What is going on with the new User Unfriendly Wish List changes.....

I wish that someone at the Q would recognize that those of us who used the Notes Section of the former Wish List format are NOT HAPPY with this change! I doubt that anyone cares. Now pricing will be a Q secret! You will no longer be aware of pricing - when it goes up or down.

AND they didn't even give any notice of this insane change in case someone wanted to record things they had written.

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Re: What is going on with the new User Unfriendly Wish List changes.....

[ Edited ]

Why the changes?  I think the wish list was just fine and worked well before!


ETA!  I noticed that my desktop has the changes but my laptop hasn't been's still the same as before.

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Re: What is going on with the new User Unfriendly Wish List changes.....

Haddon, I don't think their intention is to bring our notes back. I really want to be wrong about that. I shopped my Wish List every morning. Not necessarily purchasing each morning Smiley Happy but always reviewing pricing changes. I now will have no need to use this new format. This is one of the dumbest changes ever.