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I was wondering if someone could tell me why every snack mix QVC sells contains raisins? I do not like raisins.

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cheaper than chocolate and nuts


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While many do contain raisins, several of the Germack varieties along with the Squirrel Brand mixes are raising free.  You need to read through the descriptions of each on here on the site as QVC cannot air all varieties on air.

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Could it be that they sell well and that lots of people do like raisins. 

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@eddyandme wrote:

cheaper than chocolate and nuts


This, I suspect, is the main reason.  Pretzels are another inexpensive filler for snack mixes.

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Like Squirrel.  Germack, first time delish - all nuts; then they started adding "filler", tried twice:  first time, mostly choc chips from the baking aisle and tiny raisins;  tried year later:  again, at least 2/3 choc chip/raisins, bits and pieces of cashews - with a few, a most, whole cashews.  Nothing like shown on TV.  Can get better at Target!  Squirrel, however, is consistently good - what you see is what you get. That's been my experience anyways.

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I don't care for raisins either. We buy snack mixes without raisins at Trader Joe's.

we read the label to make sure there aren't any raisins hiding in the bag.

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I'm not a fan of raisins either, but they might be there because they are a super source of iron.

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You can make your own snack mixes. Many recipes available. That way, you can add or remove what you do or don't like.