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Registered: ‎06-30-2013

I'm just wondering why it is taking so long to switch from 'preparing orders' to giving a ship date? Seems like it is taking an awfully long time for items that are supposed to be in stock. Thank you.

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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Probably because UPS or the shipper does not have enough workers to pick them up from the warehouses.  

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Re: Preparing Orders?....

[ Edited ]

I guess it depends...QVC is so random with items. I've had some last month that stayed in "processing" for over a week, then "preparing to ship" another week, all told almost 3 weeks to ship. (But one of those orders was an "Auto-delivery" that had been delayed.) Then last week I ordered a MukLuks scarf/hat set, went into "processing" immediately after I ordered, then "preparing to ship" a day after, and I just received it yesterday. All told took about a week to get. I'd think they are ramping it up now that we're in full blown holiday shipping, IF they have enough staff.


On that note...still, many of our local businesses have reduced hours due to lack of help.

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Registered: ‎12-01-2021

Ordered a decorative sleigh on 11/19, which according to the website was "in stock".  The hosts always go on when presenting products about supply chain issues and how their items are "in stock and ready to ship now"...well not apparently in my case!  Initially for the first week my order status said "preparing your order" and estimated delivery was 11/27.  Chatted with customer service on both 11/26 and 11/27 to ask them how I was going to get my order on the 11/27 when it hadn't even shipped yet.  That was an exercise in futility...they were pretty much useless.  Finally on the 11/29, I received an email saying my order was delayed...duh, no ****** Sherlock!  By 11/30, my order status had been changed to "backorder" and that's how it remains. Funny how supposedly an "in stock" item when I ordered it is now backordered eleven days later.  So disappointed in QVC right now. 

New Contributor
Posts: 3
Registered: ‎06-02-2020

I hope that "their guarantee to be under the tree" holds true.....I received a couple emails today apologizing that my qvc order delivery has been delayed.....grrrrrrr....Because of this, I canceled a few other orders that have been in "preparing order" for too long....