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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Philosophy TSV on November 1

I ordered the  above TSV on auto delivery. I received an email on Friday that the auto delivery expired. I have called and I am getting nowhere. Nobody knows what happened. 
Today I checked and they aresellin* the same set for a little less than I paid.

I don't get it! It seems like false advertising to me. Has anyone else received this expiring email?

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Re: Philosophy TSV on November 1

I just checked mine..everything looks good.  So I'm not sure what happened.

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Posts: 370
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Philosophy TSV on November 1

A supervisor was suppose to all me around 5:00 tonight, but I never received the call.

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Re: Philosophy TSV on November 1

@annie57 - It would help to know the item number of the set you're talking about, because the Philosophy TSV that I ordered on the 1st, isn't being sold for less today.


I have it on A/D and haven't received any email saying it's expired.


Why don't you email the Social Team to see if they can shed some light on it?

Super Contributor
Posts: 370
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Philosophy TSV on November 1

I'm sorry, you are correct, the set is about $4.00 more now. 

Valued Contributor
Posts: 843
Registered: ‎04-02-2010

Re: Philosophy TSV on November 1

Could you please post the TSV for Philosophy Nov 1