Occasional Contributor
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎10-04-2016

Pending payment just dropped off credit card

Pending payment just dropped off credit card but order still showing in process. Is that normal?
Honored Contributor
Posts: 16,837
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Pending payment just dropped off credit card

Yes, that's normal.  When the payment is pending it just means that they entered it to make sure it would clear the bank.  They don't actually charge it until it ships.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

QVC Customer Care
Posts: 1,505
Registered: ‎10-12-2015

Re: Pending payment just dropped off credit card

Hi @Bad Wolf,


Like @NickNack said, it is normal for this to happen at times.  We authorize your card when the order is placed to verify the availablity of the funds.  We do not bill your card until the item actually ships.  Sometimes (especially when it comes to certain vendor shipped items) if there is a lapse of several days between the order date and the ship date, you may see the authoization drop off.  


I did check your order and everything looks fine.  Your item is in the process of shipping and it appears to still be on schedule to arrive on or about October 11th.


Hope this helps!



Customer Care

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎10-04-2016

Re: Pending payment just dropped off credit card

Thank you both.